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Post # 24 "Regulations"

Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2022 @ 8:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

Now that Doctor Williams was back in the real world, there was a new Officer that just came on board that needed to have the boarding physical as per Star Fleet regulations. Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Shamarra Poole, this is Doctor Williams please drop by Sick Bay at your earliest convenience for your boarding physical.

It had taken some time to locate her quarters, she'd no sooner gotten there when the call from the doctor to report for her boarding physical. Shamarra took a few minutes for a quick shower and a fresh uniform.

It took another few minutes to locate sick bay, Shamarra walked in "I'm Lieutenant Shamarra Poole, I'm to report for my boarding physical."

"Yes the Doctor said you'd be arriving soon....please make yourself comfortable on this Bio Bed" Heidi said "And by the way I'm Ensign Heidi Stone, Head Nurse....I'll let the Doctor know your here" as she turned to get Ramvek.

Ramvek walked out from his Office "Good afternoon Lieutenant, I'm Doctor Williams, Chief Medical officer, welcome to the Base" he said with a smile "Please lay back and we'll have a look at how your doing. I see you've met my Head Nurse already."

Shamarra nodded "Yes we've met, but doctor I fear if I lay down I'll fall asleep. It was an incredibly long shuttle ride out here and I was met at the shuttle and had to report to a run about for an assignment. I've not slept in over thirty hours."

Ramvek smiled "Don't worry about that, besides this won't take long" he said as he pulled the scanner out of his coat pocket and went over her from head to toe watching the monitor the entire time.

"Well Lieutenant everything looks good....heart rate, pulse, kidney function, respiration...even your blood pressure is well within the parameters even though you are probably sleep deprived" Ramvek explained "However, whatever you have planned after here I would strongly suggest that eight hours of sleep should be at the top of that list."

"Believe me doctor that's exactly what I am planning, plenty of time to check in with my staff tomorrow," Shamarra said.

"Good....I'm going to have Ensign Stone take a blood sample then your free to go and get some sleep" Ramvek stated then returned to his Office to input the Lieutenant's information.

Nurse Stone came over to take the blood sample that the Doctor wanted "This will only take a minute" Heidi said as she grabbed the sample "There your free to go and it was nice meeting you Lieutenant Poole."

Thank you," Shamarra said getting off the bio bed "Please call me Shamarra. I'm going to my quarters for some badly needed sleep."

After the Lieutenant left Sick Bay, Nurse Stone popped her head in the Office "Excuse me Doctor, the Lieutenant seems quite nice don't you think" she asked.

Ramvek looked up from his Terminal "Yes she seems to be quite nice" he answered although he was more pleased with the person he was looking at presently.


Lieutenant Shamarra Poole
Chief Science Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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