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Post # 5 "Coming Along"

Posted on Wed Oct 5th, 2022 @ 8:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: Character Development
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

Time had passed quickly the last several days for Labno and he was starting to get a feel for what the Academy might be like.By the the time Williams walked in Labno was already busy listening to one of the Nurses going over a simple procedure on a patient.

Ramvek walked over to the teacher and student "Good morning; Nurse how's our student doing" he queried.

"Good Doctor, he's a fast learner" the Nurse replied looking at Labno with a please look on her face.

"That's good to hear.....let me borrow him for a few minutes to go over some things; I promise I won't be long" Ramvek stated as the Nurse nodded "Let's go in my Office shall we?" Labno followed the Doctor then grabbed a seat across from where the Doctor usually sat.

Ramvek smiled "First I'd like to commend you for doing your off duty assignments so quickly" he complimented "Have you figured out what type of medical person you want to study for?"

A smile came across Labno's face as he proudly stated "Yes I want to start out learning to be a Medic. Can I continue further if I wish too."

"That is a good choice just starting out and yes you could continue with your studies if you wish" Ramvek replied with a smile "You can become a Medic just going through the Academy but if you want to be more then Medical School would be your next option after the Academy."

After a few moments of thought "Yes I think I'd like to go that route to become a healer" he responded.

"OK, then that's how you'll start out. However in the meantime you still have a ways to go before you can even consider applying to Star Fleet" Williams mentioned "I want to make sure you get accepted on your first try so that's why you'll be working here in Sick Bay for a little longer. Matter of fact here" as he turned and grabbed a thick book off the shelf "This is Dr. McCoy's Guide to Humanoid Anatomy. Start reading it tonight and studying will give you an edge at the Academy.....don't get discouraged....this book will take you weeks to get through."

Labno just looked at the book he now held in his hands wondering if he'd ever get through it "Thank you, I think" he stated.

Ramvek chuckled "If it makes you feel any better that's required reading for Medical Studies, so the more you can learn here then the better off you'll be later" he explained figuring Labno would meet the challenge head on" Now you can go back to what you were doing with the Nurse." Labno left the Office and went back to work.

Labno went back to over to the Nurse "I'm back" he commented as he was holding the book.

The Nurse looked up and smiled "Good......what's that " she asked nodding towards the book in his hand as he showed her the cover "Ah yes....good ol' Dr. McCoy....I had to read that at the Academy years ago. Take your time and learn as much as you can" then she grabbed the book "But for now let's put it here on the stand unless you want your arms to fall off from the shear weight."

Labno chuckled for the first time since being in Sick Bay "No I certainly wouldn't want that to would make healing people pretty difficult."

"That's the spirit, I knew you had a sense of humor somewhere....we just needed to find it" she commented with a smile.

Labno finished out his shift with the Nurse then grabbed his book and off he went for a few hours of reading and studying. Tomorrow would be another wonderful day.



Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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