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Post Number 5 Meeting The Science Department

Posted on Fri Oct 7th, 2022 @ 2:36am by Lieutenant Shamarra Poole

Mission: Character Development
Location: Science Department
Timeline: Current


Shamarra had taken a few days to get used to the base before heading to the science department. Her promotion to chief science officer had surprised her as did the sudden transfer to a star base. There also had been a message from the captain that she was to take a young, spoiled female called a fur under her wing and prepare her for Star Fleet.

Shamarra walked into science and looked around at her officer and staff for several minutes before deciding to make herself known “Can I have your attention!”

Everyone stopped and turned to see who had spoken, seeing a lieutenant in science blue standing in the middle of the room

“I’ll make this brief, I’m Lieutenant Shamarra Poole, I’m the new chief. I’ve read each of your personal files and I’m looking forward to getting to know you and to work with you. If you have any questions my door is always open. I’ve been tasked by the captain to get a young girl ready for Star Fleet, she’s seventeen and is a Fur, from what I understand she’s a native to the planet below. Her name is Sandi. When she reports in send her to my office please,”


OOC Ray you said spoiled, how far can I take it? Please let me know


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