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Post Number 8 You Wanted To See Me? I Was Sleeping

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2022 @ 1:22pm by Lieutenant Shamarra Poole

Mission: Pirates
Location: Shamarra's Office
Timeline: Current


I hope this is okay. Ray said the Fur was spoiled so here goes


Shamarra had gone to her office after meeting the science officers. There were a few who were on a different shift and she hoped to meet the rest of them when they came on duty. Right now her crewman she was to mentor was over an hour late. Hearing someone knock on her door as she had it locked open. Shamarra looked up to see a Cat like being who she assumed to be the Fur she was to mentor.

The Fur was a pretty silver grey tiger with yellow eyes.

"You wanted to see me?" Sandi asked leaning against the door her tail swishing. "I'm Sandi, what do you want?"

"I want you to come in and sit down so we can discuss your tardiness," Shamarra said

Sandi sauntered in and took a seat, leaned back and put her feet on Shamarra's desk. "I was sleeping, I don't get up until noon."

"Get your feet off my desk," Shamarra said firmly

Sandi eyed her and removed her feet from the desk "Happy?"

"Your on Alpha Shift with me, that means your to be in here and ready to work by 08:00 not one minute late, not noon but 08:00," Shamarra said

"Not going to happen, I told you I don't get up until noon so deal with it," Sandi retorted

"Your to report here by 08:00 each morning. DO not make me come get you out of bed as you won't like the results," Shamarra remarked as she handed her a PADD "I want you to get this done before your shift ends today. And since your over an hour late you will stay two hours longer. Argue with me further and you'll clean every thing in the lab. And if you think I'm tough wait until you get to Starfleet Academy."

Sandi looked at the list of things on the PADD and gave Shamarra a dirty look "You want this all done? Do I get any help?"

"No, you would have had you been on time and not argued with me," Shamarra said firmly "Anything else you want to complain about?"

Sandi opened her mouth to say more but shut it instead and swished her tail all that much harder showing her irritation. "No!"

"Dismissed," Shamarra standing to indicate the meeting was over.

Snarling Sandy walked from Shamarra's office her t


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