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Post Number 9 Taking a Day Off

Posted on Wed Oct 12th, 2022 @ 12:58am by Kitten Dawson

Mission: Pirates
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Kitten’s surprise had been a puppy, a lively black Cocker Spaniel she named Pepper. Business had fallen off and Kitten decided not to open today but instead take Digger up on his suggestion they head to the nearby Planet Savai’s moon for the day and to bring Pepper along. It would give the two of them some alone time.

“I’ve secured a shuttle,” Digger said walking into the Kat’s office where Kitten was doing books “You ready?”

Kitten nodded “More ways than one,” she said picking up Pepper as they walked from the restaurant, she made sure the closed sign was on and they made their way to the shuttle bay and to the waiting shuttle. Boarding, Kitten placed Pepper in the back and secured him with his leash and then joined her boyfriend in the cockpit as he ran the flight check.

Once done Digger received permission to take off and carefully lifted off and headed out into space and off to the planet’s moon. “You’ve been quiet for the past few days, having second thoughts on me or the Cats?”

“Never you,” Kitten said taking his hand “The restaurant, yes. I’m thinking on not re-opening it when we get back. There just seems no interest in a Pizza, Burger and Hotdog Restaurant. I don’t think I’ve had more than ten customers in the two weeks it’s been open. I’ve got a lot of meats in storage and plenty of animals in status that would last several years.”

“Then take a few days off and see how you feel about it, you can always re-open or walk away. The choice is yours,” Digger replied as he landed the shuttle on the moon a short time later. After shutting the engines down, Kitten walked back dropped the ramp, untied Pepper’s leash and together they walked from the shuttle holding hands.



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