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Post Number 10 The Pirates Are Here

Posted on Thu Oct 13th, 2022 @ 3:01pm by Kitten Dawson

Mission: Pirates
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Please do not find the pirates right away please let this run. Posting as lead pirate Brad


The two freighters after getting permission docked at the Mercury, the crews assembled at the docking rings already plotting the takeover or at very least what they could plunder. The freighters were Federation that Brad the lead pirate had purchased some time back and kept the registry updated as to not be denied admittance to various bases and some Federation outposts. He’d even acquired the necessary uniforms as well. Once the freighters were shut down the two crews all ten of them assembled. Brad walked from his freighter and grinned at his people.

“Okay listen up people, this base is less than a year old which means everything is brand new. I have buyers who will pay top dollar for anything you can plunder. We look like Federation freighter crews that will be our advantage. Medical equipment, science equipment, restaurant supplies, all ships and bases have an arbourtium where they grow food stuffs, plants, unusual plants you name it. Engineering, weapons and anything else that I’ve not touched on are open for our plunder. Large items that you can’t conceal are to be site to site transported to our freighters. Remember we’re on big happy family any questions?” Brad asked

“Not from me,” Morgan replied, everyone else shook their heads as they each knew just what they wanted.

“Okay mingle with the base personal and let’s see what we can find. Once we’re done here we’ll hit the planet and then be on our way,” Brad said

Everyone filed out of the docking area and onto the base.

Brad knew just where he wanted to start. He’d heard that a species of trees called Brol had been discovered and what made them special is they had the ability to walk and talk. They’d bring a high price. It didn’t take him long to find the arboretum and once inside he grinned, there must be at least twenty seedlings. Setting up a perimeter marker he pulled out his communication device and had fifteen of the Brol Seedlings beamed directly to his freighter. Whistling he walked from the arboretum and continued on his way


Posted with permission


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