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Post # 11 Shake Down Part 2

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 2:52pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Mission: Pirates
Location: USS Nova 2
Timeline: Concurrent to # 7


In two hours the ship would launch which meant all the crew had a lot of work to do to be ready.

Shauna had been busy going from department to department checking on progress, there was a never ending list of tasks that seemed to need doing. “How are you getting on Lieutenant?” She looked at Ellie as she arrived in the Science lab.

“Well there’s a few more boxes of supplies to go through, but so far it’s so good” Ellie smiled warmly. “We don’t have a full science team for the ship yet, but for a shakedown I think we’ll manage.”

Shauna nodded. “Right, let’s hope so! I’ll be on the bridge when you’re done, let me know if we’re missing anything important besides crew replacements!” She smiled and headed out again feeling somewhat rushed off her feet.

As the ship awaited supplies and crew they were unaware of the dangers transpiring on the station.


The ships dock master quickly ordered the ships stores to fill Nova 2's orders.


Arriving on the bridge Shauna smiled at Deke as she moved across to her seat. “Departments are reporting in, everything is so far so good Captain.”

" That station always makes me nervous. I prefer a starship to a station duty. I pushed Nora Ejos promotion to Lt Commander. Rank builds confidence and I felt she earned it do you agree?"

Shauna nodded. “Nora has proven a very capable officer, let’s see how she handles the increase in responsibility. I think she’ll do okay though.”

" Sort of like an up and coming First Officer I know. " Deke smiled with his lip curled slightly. " Communications inform Starbase Mercury we are ready to break orbit."

Communications nodded and signalled the go ahead nod.

" Engineering status report?" Deke then asked.

"Engineering ready to depart, Sir. All systems have been checked and showing condition green" Noar replied.

" Excellent. Helm break orbit plot a course for Sector 040.2 and engage warp 1."



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