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Post # 12 "Missing Pieces"

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 10:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Pirates
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

Doctor Williams was treating an Ensign who had an accident with a glass which had broken in her hand. After doing a X-Ray Ramvek had discovered a piece of glass lodged in the palm of her hand "Ensign there is a piece of glass that needs to be removed from your hand" he explained to his patient.

The young women had a look of fear on her face "If you must Doctor, but I don't mind telling you I don't like being poked and prodded very much" she replied.

Williams smiled "I promise I'll do my best not to hurt you but that glass has to come out so your hand doesn't get infected" he explained then looking at Nurse Stone "Nurse grab me a Cortical Stimulator" then looking back at his patient "By placing that on your forehead that should alleviate any pain or discomfort."

Heidi went to the medical drawer as she had done many times but the piece of equipment was missing....looking at Ramvek "Doctor it doesn't seem to be here....I'm not sure where it went" she stated.

"What do mean it's not has to be. Grab one from the drawer in my Office then" he ordered as Heidi did as the Doctor wanted.

Moments later Heidi handed the device to the Doctor as he placed it on the Ensign's forehead "There that should do it" then looking at Heidi "Get me a Plasmic Scalpel" he asked.

Heidi checked another drawer but the scalpel was missing also. Not saying a word Heidi went over to another set of Med drawers and grabbed one from there then gave it to Ramvek.

The Doctor managed to remove the piece of glass without any issues then grabbed the skin regenerator from his coat pocket to heal the Ensign's hand. After he was finished he looked at the Ensign "There you go, good as new. I want you to take the rest of the day off and rest that hand then tomorrow you should be fine to resume your duties. In the meantime if you start having any pain or discomfort stop by and we'll give you something for it" Ramvek explained as he removed the device from her forehead.

The Ensign sat up and smiled "Thank you Doctor and I didn't feel a thing. I'll be sure to do as you asked" she replied then jumped off the Bio Bed and made her way to her quarters.

After the Ensign left Heidi decided to say something about the missing equipment to Williams "Doctor could I have a word in your Office please" she commented as the two went into the Medical Office and Ramvek shut the door behind them "So what did you want to speak to me about" he queried with a smile.

"It would appear that the Stimulator isn't the only piece of equipment we're missing....we are also missing one of the Scalpels as well. I didn't want to say anything in front of the patient" Heidi explained.

Ramvek thought for a moment "Those two items are small enough to slip into one's pocket undetected" he commented "Nurse I want you to do an inventory of our equipment....especially the small stuff and see if we're missing anything else" he ordered.

"Actually I was thinking we ought to do that same thing" she replied with a grin "This shouldn't take more than a couple of hours since I know where everything is supposed to be" she replied as she grabbed a PADD to get started.

"Good tell me what you find, or should I say don't find" he commented then turning and tapping his Comm "Dr. Gram, this is Doctor Williams I want you to lock down Secondary Sick Bay and do a full inventory of all the equipment to see if anything is missing; then report back to me with your findings."

"A you wish Doctor....this shouldn't take too long" the EMH replied then went right to work on the Doctor's request.

About an hour later Ramvek's Comm went off "Doctor Williams everything has been checked and accounted for....we have everything that we're supposed to have. Query: is there a problem that I should be made aware of" Dr. gram asked.

"I'm not sure yet. Nurse Stone is doing an inventory of Main Sick Bay and she should be finished shortly. After we check the results I'll let you know what we find" he replied.

"I'll wait for your call Doctor" Dr. Gram responded having already locked down Secondary Sick Bay.

"Shortly Ensign Stone walked over to Ramvek "The inventory is complete and it looks like we're missing a few more items all of which are small" Heidi replied.

"So it looks like someone is stealing small medical items to probably sell on the black market" he commented "I should notify Command right away."

"Well at least the things missing aren't anything critical" Heidi reasoned.

"That's true and I want to keep it that way" Williams replied then turned and headed for his Office.

Sitting down at his Terminal the Doctor sent off a message to the XO as follows:


To: Commander Taavis
Subject : Missing Medical Supplies
Priority: High

Some small pieces of medical equipment have recently disappeared from Sick Bay. After doing a complete inventory of both Primary and Secondary Sick Bays there are seven pieces total missing....all are small and can easily fit into one's pocket. I'm bringing this to your attention in hopes the problem does not escalate. The EMH will be monitoring the Primary Sick Bay in case of any further incidents.


Doctor Ramvek Williams
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


After sending off the message Ramvek contacted the EMH with the information as promised and also to have her monitor Sick Bay twenty four seven to hopefully catch the thief.



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