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Post# 13 " Triage part 1"

Posted on Mon Oct 17th, 2022 @ 4:50pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant Hiri & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole

Mission: Pirates
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Stardate: 77262.2


Captain's Log Stardate : 77262.2
The station has received new crew and the USS Nova 2 will be departing for shake down in a few days. Two freighters have arrived carrying sick and I'll individual's displaced because of a reactor leak but our medical department should be able to handle it. It is good to finally have some normalcy for a change. Log concluded.

Isabelle was practically buzzing as she arrived for the morning shift, John was back and life was good again. She offered a warm smile as she greeted Odac Yova. “Good morning Lieutenant, how are you and Lieutenant Kees-Odak this morning? I understand Congratulations are in order, I haven’t had chance to catch up with you until now.”

" Thank you Counselor. We are doing great now although giving up a chiefs slot feels lateral ultimately it was a good move to come here." Yova replied.

Isabelle nodded. “Having a family changes a lot of things, trust me I know!” She grinned. “But if you’re happy with your move that’s what matters.

Shamarra looked up from the bridge science console at hearing the comment about family and moving. She was still getting used to the base herself, but she had no family to move. When a message came across her console. "Captain I've just gotten a message from the science lab that several things have come up missing, some equipment, my microscope, several PADD's and some plant and animal samples that I brought with me."

{Sick Bay}

With two freighters arriving at the Base, Williams and his staff had their work cut out for them. The Doctor was busy assessing those who came in as to their sickness or injuries making sure the more critical patients were seen to first. Ensign Stone, along with her Nursing Staff, was busy starting the treatment of patients the Doctor deemed critical. Ramvek soon realized the Sick Bay was filling up fast when he noticed more people coming in complaining of a reactor exposure. It was time to get some extra help as he tapped his Comm "Dr. Gram this is Williams, please open up the Secondary Sickbay, I have people coming to you with reactor exposure" he explained to the EMH.

"As you wish Doctor....beam them directly here and I'll see to their needs" the EMH replied ready to lend a hand. Both Sick Bays would be busy for the next few hours.KY?

Rushing back as well from the Arboretum Dr Hiri joined Williams in sickbay.

" What is going on?" Hiri yowled as more patients came in the door.

"Two of the freighters who have docked have sick or injured people that need attending to not to mention a score of folks who've been sent to Secondary Sick Bay having been exposed to a reactor leak" Ramvek spouted " Glad you're here we can use another Doctor."

Brol joined the help and came to the sickbay comm box.
" I have produced a potassium iodate derivitive in the arboretum. Do you want it Doctor Williams?" Brol asked using its artificial voice from the universal translator.

Ramvek heard the offer "Yes, thank you Brol that would be helpful" the Doctor responded "That was very nice of you to make that for us."

" It is helpful to be useful." Brol's voice replied.

Ramvek smiled as he thought to himself "Indeed it is."



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