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Post Number 14 First Freighter Is Loaded

Posted on Mon Oct 17th, 2022 @ 8:18pm by Kitten Dawson

Mission: Pirates
Location: Docking Ring
Timeline: Current


Posting as lead pirate Brad:


It had been several hours since Brad and his people had gone onto the Mercury, reports had come in from his people that they had several items of interest, medical, science, engineering and Brad had acquired fifteen of the tree seedlings called Brol. They were secured in a status chamber on his feighter as they’d put up quite a bit of crying when they’d been beamed to his freighter. No one had heard them as the freighter was sound proof and since no one had missed them.

But just to be sure Brad had made sure that any traces of the little trees were erased from sensors in the docking ring. But not to take chances he called his people to discuss what to do with what they had so far. “We’ve gotten quite a bit of loot, still more I want to get. We need to move everything onto one freighter and move it from the base. Then we’ll get rooms, mingle with everyone and after a few days we can continue. Get the lay of things and see what more we can get. We’ve not hit the businesses yet. I have fifteen of those Brol Tree Seedlings that can walk and talk. Currently they are on my freighter in status. So move everything to my freighter. I spotted a small moon about three light years from here. Once everything is on my freighter, we’ll move it to that moon, set up the scrambler so it can’t be scanned for. Those trees will bring a good price.”

“How you going to get back boss?” Fred asked

“Your going to rent a shuttle from the base, use the excuse you want to visit one of the other planets. Circle away from the base and after a short time meet me and we’ll return to the base. Then we’ll lay low for a few days while we scope things out,” Brad said grinning.

“I like it,” Morgan remarked “We’ll get things loaded onto your freighter boss and head out.”

TBC: Don’t find things out too fast.


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