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Posted on Fri Oct 21st, 2022 @ 6:45pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Billi

Mission: Pirates
Location: Delta 2
Timeline: current


Commander Taavis walked into Security proper, stopped as the doors shut behind her and raised a hand and snapped her fingers as she spoke in a raised voice. "All eyes here, on me." She dropped her hand when they complied. "Thank you. We have incoming freighters, and wounded from said ships. I want us to be as polite as is allowed but this is a Security situation...what we all trained for. Be diplomatic but be firm. All those with tactical training I want in the vest armor and at the secondary entryways to all primary levels. Full gear. Everyone else is to be armed and wear an away belt with all proper equipment. All weapons, in both areas, set to stun. Assign those we need in those areas then we'll move forward. Carry on." Once that was said Taavis went into her office and closed the door, tapping her combadge. "Operations this is Commander Taavis. The Officer In Charge will remain so as I see to our Security needs. Carry on, Taavis out." She tapped the badge off and got down to business.


Lieutenant Billi had been out in a Delta Flyer--Good Ole Delta 2--with a three person team. They were in EV suits, going from communications buoy to communications buoy and physically space walking and checking their systems and physical status. She had had the background chatter from command going and heard all that was happening, speaking a sshe shut it down. "Alright, people. We have incoming damaged freighters and civilians. Let's get back inside and head for Mercury."

Once all the team members were inside the hatch was closed and the interior pressurized so they could remove their suits. No one was ashamed to dress down to their skivvies to don their uniforms, all heading to the front and taking stations to get underway. Within minutes they were headed back to base.




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