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Post Number 16 The Cats Is Destroyed

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2022 @ 5:27am by Kitten Dawson

Mission: Pirates
Location: Kitten's Restaurant The Cats, and Her Quarters
Timeline: Current


Remember Kitten does not know anyone on the base. She’s only met three people. Brol, Raven and Bob Covenant. Being a civilian she has no idea who anyone is.


Kitten, Digger and the puppy Pepper had spent several days on Savai’s moon. After returning the shuttle and logging it back into the base, they walked to their quarters to drop Pepper off.

“I needed those days,” Kitten said hugging Digger

“I did too, let’s go to the Cats and decide what your goi g to do with it,” Digger replied

“I’ve made my decision,” Kitten said as they walked from their quarters and headed for the restaurant, when they got there they stopped and starred in shock over what they were seeing.

Someone had breached the force field, the restaurant was in shambles, the tables were broken, the chairs smashed, the neon lights that Kitten had brought from home were broken including the black cat that had hung over the entrance. Digger and Kitten walked into the restaurant careful not to touch anything as they surveyed the damage. The coolers and freezers that had held the meats toppings, buns and so on were scattered all over the place, everything was ruined and spoiled

Kitten brushed away the tears that were falling as her boyfriend hugged her letting her cry. After several minutes as she looked around at the damage and ruined and spoiled food Kitten looked to Digger “This finalizes my decision as there is no way we can get this mess cleaned up, replaced, and even attempt to try to re-open. I don’t even know who to report this too. Even the security cameras are destroyed.

“You don’t even know who is in command of the base?” Digger asked

“No,”Kitten said shaking her head. “I don’t have the funds needed now to replace and repair what’s damaged and ruined. Let’s just go back to our quarters and come back tomorrow and clean this mess up, then I’ll get the rest of the frozen meat and the animals that are in status, hire a ship and head back to Earth. There’s nothing here for us now. There isn’t a replicater in here as I didn’t want one so it’s over.”

“We’ll go home and open one up on Earth,” Digger agreed as they left the restaurant.

Kitten didn’t even bother to reset the alarm and drop the force field as there was nothing more that could be damaged as the entire restaurant was trashed. Placing her arm around Diggers waist as she hugged him. They headed back to their quarters.



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