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Post # 17 "Triage Part 2"

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 10:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Hiri

Mission: Pirates
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

As Doctor Williams was busy attending to the newly arrived patients Labno walked in to start his shift when he stopped and looked around surprised to see so many people in Sick Bay. Williams looked up as Labno walked over towards him so he motioned for one of the Medics to join them "Labno this is Lieutenant Johnson, he's our lead Medic, I want you to work with him this shift. Lieutenant this young man wants to go to the Academy to become a Medic so show him the ropes" Ramvek ordered.

"Sure thing Doc....Labno your with me....let's get started over here" the Lieutenant commented as the two walked off.

Some of the folks were sicker than others so Williams treated them accordingly when Ensign Stone walked over "Doctor we have a man with the Corillian Flu over there so what would you like me to do with him" Heidi queried knowing how contagious this was.

Ramvek thought for a moment "Let's get him isolated at the back of Sick Bay, we certainly don't want that going around to the other folks and make sure the attending Nurse and yourself get a Hypo Spray with antibiotics so you don't contract the Flu" he ordered nicely.

"I was going to suggest all the above" Heidi replied with a grin. The patient was moved and isolated to keep everyone else from getting any sicker as well as the two Nurses administered the medication to each other. Ranvek looked up and noticed Dr. Hiri entering Sick Bay.


Rushing back as well from the Arboretum Dr Hiri joined Williams in sickbay.

" What is going on?" Hiri yowled as more patients came in the door.

"Two of the freighters who have docked have sick or injured people that need attending to not to mention a score of folks who've been sent to Secondary Sick Bay having been exposed to a reactor leak" Ramvek spouted " Glad you're here we can use another Doctor."

[End Snip]

Hiri jumped right in, the back of her neck hair raising as the sick and wounded filed in.
" Bring him over here and have that one take a seat on the floor. You get that bucket and hand it to bed one she is vomiting everywhere. "

Doctor Williams took a moment between patients just to survey Sick Bay and noticing there were a lot of folks who were physically sick. "What could cause so many people on the same Ship to be so sick" he thought to himself. Then it dawned on looked an awfully lot like replicator sickness from an unkept system. After checking which freighter most of these people were from....his suspicions had been validated even further. His next logical step would be to investigate their replicator system himself....but that would have to wait until all these poor folks were treated.

Ramvek walked over to Hiri and Heidi "Doctor, Nurse...those who are physically sick administer an antidote for replicator sickness....I think the one freighter may have an unsanitary system which I plan on checking out after these folks are seen to" he explained being quite concerned.

Hiri hissed but that was merely her acceptance of receiving an order.
" We should quarantine that freighter too."

"That certainly sounds like a good course of action; at least until I can get aboard then check out their system for myself and get it sanitized" Williams responded "I'll inform the Captain as soon as possible."

" Good I have a bad feeling about all of this." Hiri added.

"I know what you mean" Ramvek replied hoping she was wrong "For once I hope your Caitian senses are wrong."

The day went by quickly as the patients were treated and most of them released being provided with Base quarters until the Doctor had time to get things sorted out on the Freighter. There were a few that would spend the night in Sick Bay and be released tomorrow.

The Doctor was looking around at his Medical Staff as the day winded down and wanted to address them "Could I have everyone's attention please for a few moments" Ramvek ordered as the Staff turned to look at him "I just want to tell all of you how proud I am of the work that's been done here today. You are all a credit to your profession and I believe that this is one of the finest Medical Teams in Star Fleet. Thank you all for all your hard work and get some rest tonight." The entire Staff had a big smile feeling pretty good about themselves for being recognized for their hard work that day.


Lieutenant Hiri
Medical Officer
Starbase Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Starbase Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Mercury


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