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Post # 18 "Time To Relax"

Posted on Tue Oct 25th, 2022 @ 4:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Pirates
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 43 _ Quarters}

After a very long day Ramvek walked into his quarters and headed straight for the shower for a nice, hot, relaxing time to wash away the day's work and concerns. When finished he dressed in a pair of comfortable sweat pants and a T-shirt then made his way to the replicator for a nice Brandy. Going to the couch he put his feet up on the low table and took a long sip of his Brandy "Ah....this is much better" he thought as he made himself quite comfortable.

As was his usual activity, he played the day over in his mind just to make sure nothing had been missed. While he was contemplating the day, he was brought back to reality when he heard his door chime go off "Now who could that be" he thought as he went to the door and opened it. Ramvek was quite surprised to see who his guest was "Heidi, this is a pleasant surprise.....please come in" he stated as he moved to let her in the door.

"I hope this isn't a bad time but I thought you might like a little company after such a long day" she replied with a smile.

Ramvek smiled back "Yes.....I think I'd like that" he replied noticing how cute Heidi was dressed and how lovely she smelled "Where are my manners, please make yourself comfortable...can I get you something to drink?"

"Yes I'll have whatever your having" she replied as she took a seat on the couch. Shortly Ramvek returned with a Brandy and sat beside Heidi. The two talked for awhile mostly about the day's events and how quickly the day had passed.

"So how are you doing after such a long day....I haven't seen a Sick Bay that busy in a long time" he commented as he took another sip of his drink.

"After days where I'm on the go every second I tend to get wound pretty tightly" then she paused "I guess that's why I decided to stop over here to see you" Heidi explained with a grin "And you, how are you doing."

"Honestly I'm exhausted and couldn't wait to get home and take a nice hot shower and put on fresh clothes" he replied with a smile "Would you like something to eat....I was going to have some chicken noodle soup and crackers....something easy to digest."

"That sounds good.....I could use something to eat" Heidi replied "Why don't you sit there and relax and I'll go get the food" as she stood and smiled at Ramvek.

"You talked me into it" he replied with a grin as she turned and went into the kitchen. Shortly she returned with two bowls of soup with crackers as the two sat eating their meal and talking about really nothing....just talking.

Afterwards the Doctor began to yawn "Please excuse me....sorry but I guess the day has finally caught up to me" he stated being a little embarrassed at the moment.

"That's fine....matter of fact I'm getting that way myself so I probably should be going and let you get some rest" Heidi commented, then paused "Before I go....I was wondering....there's a Club on the Promenade Deck that specializes in twentieth century Earth's music and dancing.....I was hoping that you might like to go with me Saturday do dance don't you?"

Ramvek laughed "It's been ages since I've danced.....although I used to be a pretty fair dancer" he replied with a smile "Sure why not...the change of scenery would do me good. But be warned I probably don't know the type of dancing that you do."

Heidi smiled back "Not to worry Ramvek, I'm an excellent teacher when it comes to dancing. Besides after my last foray of going to the Promenade Deck, I wouldn't mind the company" she commented.

"So you want me as a body guard then" he replied with a grin.

"Oh no...not at all....think of it as being my companion and friend for the evening" Heidi responded "And like you said a change of activity would be good for the both of us."

"Well since you explained it that way, I look forward to it" he stated with a grin hoping he hadn't offended her with his 'body guard' comment.

"Good, me too. I should be going then....see you tomorrow in Sick Bay" she said then stood and Ramvek walked her to the door.

"Yes I'll see you at work and have a pleasant evening" he replied with a smile as Heidi smiled back.

As Heidi was making her way back to her quarters she couldn't help but think "I'm really, really liking the time I'm spending with the Doctor" as a smile came across her face....things were going just the way she had planned.



Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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