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Post Number 19, Time To Sell What We Have

Posted on Thu Oct 27th, 2022 @ 5:05am by Kitten Dawson

Mission: Pirates
Location: Docking Ring
Timeline: Current


Posting as Lead Pirate Brad. Please read for what the pirates have stolen, and what happens next.


Brad and his pirates had spent several days on the Mercury getting the lay of things, having a wild time and had collected enough loot that it was time to head out and sell what they had and return in the future as this had been a very profitable venture for them. Brad’s freighter was hiding in orbit of a nearby asteroid that had not been scanned.

On Brad’s freighter were the fifteen Brol Seedlings that he knew would bring a high price as no one had ever seen walking and talking trees, he also had several medical tri-coders, dermal regenerators, laser scapels. From science were two microscopes, several samples of plants, along with two tri-coders, from several of the shops and restaurants plenty of figurines, clothing, supplies and food along with a couple of replicators.

On the other freighter were various weapons, engineering equipment, tool vests, a couple of photon torpedoes and they’d even managed to fit a shuttle onto the freighter.

Brad grinned as he looked over the plunder they’d picked up “I don’t know how you managed to get two photon torpedoes and that shuttle on here but we have plenty of merchandise for now and this will bring a big profit. We can always return down the road and see what more we can come up with. We need to get underway, that me to my freighter and we’ll head out and get this stuff sold.”

Brad boarded the second freighter, the pilot received permission to launch, the docking clamps were released, engines fired and the freighter headed off into the direction Brad indicated where he’d left his freighter. After beaming over to it, the engines fired and the two freighters were underway with Brad’s freighter in the lead and onto the location where the merchandise they carried would be sold.



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