#20 Proactive
Posted on Thu Oct 27th, 2022 @ 1:13pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Sean Silk
Location: promenade
Timeline: current
Working in conjunction with all departments Taavis and her Security personnel were placed exactly where they needed to be to see to Facility safety and defense. Kehlani was out and about with a few Klingons, and her entire Strategic Operations department as they were, in essence, deputies to the Security Team Leads. No departmental arguments over jurisdication as they melded together and relied on each other with their collective skill sets.
Taavis stood at the railing for a central downward view of the main Promenade. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she contemplated a great many things, while at the same time watching the goings-on below. The tension in the air was so thick one could cut it with a laser scalpel, with the anxiety of all the inhabitants still expecting another run by the marauders. That was what they were and her report to Sureth, and subsequently Starfleet Command, noted them as such. They had knowingly and willfully attacked a Federation installation without a care in the Galaxy about who got hurt. Commander Taavis recommended these marauders be named as enemies to the Federation and seen as a legitimate fighting force. After which the Federation can then declare war on these troglodytes and eliminate their organization. She had relied on her Vulcan discipline and remained logical in her statements and recommendations. This was not an emotional response, this was a tactical one.
But, that had been then and this was now. SFHQ had taken her recommendations and then deliberated around the issue for another ten minutes and then signed off. So, it was on Mercury to resolve its own issues. As she had quite expected. An ever-so-slight grin appeared on her face as her eyes took on a subtle glint of muderous intent, all of which passed as a few delinquent thoughts ran their course. Someone came up and stood to her right, also acting as if they too were taking in the Promenade. "Are they away?"
"That they are," responded Sean Silk, standing next to his old friend and copying her pose of arms crossed over chest. "The isotope we placed on various items is pinging like a charm, but...only for those who know the frequency."
Taavis turned slightly in his direction. "Good. This station had been raided several times by pirates and such just after full operations began. Full operations to test everything, that is, not the actual crew to man it. Throughout my career I have taken note of what most criminals consider important, and for what reasons. So, using that knowledge, coupled with logic and reasoning, I asked you to place the isotopes randomly like myself. It seems your experimental isotope is working as intended."
Silk gave her a sour expression. "Pfft. Of course it works, I created it. Now you know which direction the items went. Beyond that you'll be able to track all those items with the isotope for the next two years before the signal fades. A signal that can be seen two sectors away, I might add."
Sean had given her the complete rundown on his isotope. It was extremely unique; so much so that even if it was detected most ship computers would designate it as inert matter and it would get ignored. The signature it gave off was so minimal, and so similar to actual universal background noise, that it would take a sophisticated and dedicated sensor system to even detect it. Taavis knew how to angle sensors that way, as did Silk. Beyond that she had no idea who else he may have shared it with since it was, and is, his invention. "No need for the sales pitch, again." He gave her a sarcastic look and cocked his head so she continued before he could interrupt. "I need you in your Privateer role, Captain Silk. Take along who you will but I want to know every single location that the stolen items visit and eventually end up at." Her hands dropped to her sides and she stepped in close enough to leave a mere inch between them at the chest. "Every-single-one. Is that clear?"
There weren't many times in Silk's life these days where an act of intimidation actually worked on him. After the centuries of wars, fist fights, brawls and other unruly activities that Silk had been involved in it did keep him from being jumpy. However, at this moment, with Taavis bearing down on him and even entering his privacy bubble he could feel that she was absolutely serious with her demand. "I hear you, Commander. No need to lay out the consequences...again," he quipped, using her own earlier snark against her. "You'll have your bread crumbs. Any disruption of freight traffic could be bring unwanted attention--from various sources."
As he had been speaking Taavis got herself back under control and stepped back a pace. Taavis gave a response. "I have no doubts they already have. This station continues to get boarded and its ass handed to it. That shows absolute weakness in the eyes of our enemies and predators. We reap what we sow. Please, get out there and find me something I can work with. I'll be here making serious changes to how this station does things from now on."
Lifting his hands in supplication and dropping them Silk spun on his heel and walked away. Taavis was angry to the point of wrath. Never a good sign when one considered her lineage. The best way to keep that green-blooded pot from boiling over was to do exactly what she had asked of him. He reached up and rubbed his right earlobe. "Red," he said into the sound-powered receiver. "Prep yourself, darlin'. We got some light years to cover."
"Got it, Boss. Would you like a site-to-site, or do you need to walk off some stress?"
"You know me so well," he smiled to himself while walking, no one else around as he made several turns to head for the REDEEMER's bay. "I need the walk. Silk, out." He continued his strides through the facility.
Taavis had watched Silk move away, his back straight and full of purpose. She had expected another raid from pirates and the like. Every time she turned around there was another internal issue that broke down base defenses and left the station vulnerable. So, instead of being reactive, which was a true experiment in failure, she had decided to be PROactive. Track the foxes to their dens and dig them out. Those who wish to go down fighting will die, unfortunately. Others will see prison sentences. Personally, she wished they would all go down fighting.
Coming out of her thoughts Taavis could see a minor argument going on between some civilians and her people. Realigning herself and focusing on her Vulcan discipline once more, she made her way in that direction.