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Post Number 21 Cleaning The Cats

Posted on Sun Oct 30th, 2022 @ 10:45pm by Kitten Dawson

Mission: Pirates
Location: The Cats
Timeline: Current


Kitten and her boyfriend Digger had spent the better part of three twelve hour days cleaning up the mess and damage from who ever had trashed her restaurant. Through cleaning had been done with bleach to disinfect things. The freezer had been shut off as the food in there and the coolers had been ruined. Everything had been cleaned and the broken tables, chairs, neon lights and broken glass had been disposed of.

Kitten and Digger stood in the middle of what once had been her restaurant. Nothing remained, the place now empty. “Still thinking about calling it quits?” Digger asked putting his arm around her shoulders. He knew she was tired as the work to clean it had been grueling, and a lot had been on hands and knees.

Kitten looked at her boyfriend and tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ears “This took all of my money to get here, keep the animals in status that I wasn’t ready to use, all the meat had to be packed in ice and frozen to get here. Digger I have nothing left. We can’t stay here for free we both know that.”

“I have some money so don’t give up yet, I promised you I’d take care of you and I meant it,” Digger said “I love you more than you know, think on this for a few more days and if your mind is still set on leaving I’ll hire a ship to take us back to Earth or perhaps Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn Stations,” Digger said taking her hand as they headed from the restaurant.

“I’ll think on it,” Kitten said “But no promises.”



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