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Post #22 "Making Adjustments"

Posted on Tue Nov 1st, 2022 @ 8:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: Pirates
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

The Doctor had been notified by Security, at his behest, of the departing four Freighters. He knew that two of them had sick and injured people but the other two were a mystery to him.

The ones he had treated for replicator sickness, as well as the others, had been too sick to have the energy to steal anything so that left the other two freighters which Ramvek was convinced were the ones with the 'sticky fingers'.

Now that the freighters had left Williams had personally taken a thorough inventory of both Sick Bays. The good news was the missing items were small in number and nothing that couldn't be replaced.

{Medical Office}

After that was finished Ramvek sat at his Terminal looking at schematics for both Sick Bays trying to figure out the best way to make them more secure so something like this didn't happen again down the road. Being a Star Base gave opportunists a 'fertile field' to fulfill their plundering desires which really pissed off the Doctor to no end. If he needed something to save a life and it had been stolen the chances of the patient dying was all to real.

After starring at the screen for almost an hour he really didn't see a way to make the Sick Bays physically more secure without impeding patients. Maybe he needed another that was less obvious. He spent several more minutes when the answer came to him so he left Sick Bay and headed for a nearby Lift.

Williams walked onto the Lift "Deck 198" came the request and moments later he was off.

{Deck 198}

The Doctor made his way to Secondary Sick Bay. When he entered Dr. Gram gave her usual greeting to whoever walked in. Ramvek smiled "Dr. Gram I have a query for you" he stated.

"Very well Doctor, what is your query" came the response from the EMH.

"Since you are a computer based program, I assume your tied into all the Base's systems....including Traffic Control with non Federation Ships that come and dock with the Base" he queried.

"Your assumption is correct Doctor Williams....I know every Ship that comes and goes from the Base" came the reply.

That was just what Ramvek was hoping to hear "Good. Effective immediately any non Federation Ships that dock with the Base, I would like you to run surveillance around the clock of both Sick Bays until they depart" he ordered, then paused "But will you still be able to do your duties as EMH at the same time."

"Yes Doctor Williams.....I am able to run thousands of tasks at once doing each one effectively" Dr. Gram responded.

Then Williams human side surfaced "Sorry I didn't mean to offend you by asking that question" he commented with a smile.

Dr. Gram looked at Ramvek quite puzzled at his last response "Doctor you of all people should know that I can not be offended as a computer program" she replied "Will there be anything else?"

"Yes your right of course, I guess i just forgot for a moment" he responded "Yes actually there is....if you could notify me when non Federation Ships dock I'd appreciate it."

"Certainly Doctor....does this having anything to do with the recent medical supplies missing" the EMH queried.

Ramvek smiled "Yes it does and I want to make sure that it doesn't happen again any time soon" he answered.

"I will endeavor to do my best" Dr. gram replied.

"I know you if you'll excuse me I should get back to Primary Sick Bay" he replied then turned to go back to Deck 41.


Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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