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# 23 " Factors In"

Posted on Wed Nov 9th, 2022 @ 4:18pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Mission: Pirates
Location: USS Nova 2
Timeline: Stardate: 77261.9


( This post we will work out any ship bugs )

Captain log supplemental

The shakedown of the Nova 2 has begun and so far we are moving right on schedule. I am looking forward to breaking some speed trials. Reminds me of the days onboard the Vengeance.

Log Concluded


Taking a tactical station Lt Bob Covenant panned the sensors for any anomalies or tactical situations. Ironically finding one he had not considered.

" Captain we are on a trajectory following some anomalous particles heading at light speed away from us."

" What kind of particles?" Deke replied.

" They are moving too fast to scan." Bob answered.

“Too fast?” Shauna looked at Deke. “Curiouser and Curiouser.”

" The particles have halted and are on a reverse course sir...towards us." Covenant warned.

" Alter our heading and increase speed to warp 2." Deke replied. Helm responded and moved out of their path.

“What are those things?” Shauna looked around the bridge hoping someone could give some idea. “What do we know about them so far?”

" Commander sensor say they are a form of anti matter and are apparently attracted to our anti matter stream from our nacelles. " Lt Covenant reported.

" HELM drop us out of warp immediately." Deke yelled. " Engineering power down the warp drive now."

“Acknowledged Sir” Nora replied. “Hmmmm… the fastest way to power down the warp drive is to do an emergency warp core shut down” she thought and followed her intuition. “Computer emergency shutdown of the warp core, clearance Nora Eco Lina 18 19” “~confirmed~“the computer replied.
and a second later the warp core was shut down leaving the ship illuminated in emergency lighting and auxiliary power. All no essential systems were turned off fully and essential systems were kept online.

None too soon as the particles closed in and surrounded the ship.

" The particles are all around us sir." Bob reported.

Shauna looked at Deke. “They must be detecting the remaining anti matter in our exhaust vents. Either that or something else is enticing them.”

" Ready room in five minutes. We need options fast!" Deke replied.

Following Deke, Shauna could only hope they’d find some options to their predicament

THE Particles surrounded the ship and with minimum power the shields would not hold much longer and then it would explode as the matter and anti matter met causing a grand explosion.

" Aside from jettison of our warp Core what are our options?" Deke yelled aloud. Clearly upset with this situations unfolding.

“If these creatures are drawn to our anti matter, then can’t we create something that would repel them? Something that would drive them away?” Shauna looked at Deke curiously..

" Matter generally repels anti matter. If we jettison the warp core that would do it but then we would be sitting duck's. Once the anti matter and the matter touch we would be caught in the explosion. The Nova 2 would not be able to go to warp. But...if we could some how put that anti matter on the scent of the solar waves of the black hole in sector P2?" Deke replied. " To prevent it from touching the Nova 2? Because if it did we would be blown up. Is it possible this phenomenon has a sentient ability? " Deke asked.

“There’s only one way to find out” Shauna looked at Deke curiously. “Maybe we should try communicating with them and see what happens?”

" Lieutenant Odak are you in science? Captain Rivers needs you in the observation room." Bob Covenant asked .

Ellie was in the Science lab when Covenants voice came over the comms, “Yes, I am and I’ll be right there Lieutenant.” Putting down her PADD she made her way out of the lab and made for the observation lounge. Arriving not too long afterwards she greeted Rivers. “Reporting as ordered Captain.”

" Good Lieutenant, you are now acting science officer. We need a way to repel anti matter from our hull long enough to lead it to the black hole." Captain Rivers said to Ellie.

Ellie pursed her lips as if she was going to whistle before stopping herself. “That’s quite some ask Captain, it’s not something I’ve ever had to deal with. I could use the input of someone from engineering.”

" Lt Commander Ejo please help each other with this. We are in a no win scenario here unless you can. The only other option is to jettison the warp core and evacuate the ship." Deke replied.

“Aye Sir, I’ll work with lieutenant Odak. I know time is of the essence. I hope that we can come up with a solution.” Nora replied to the Captain. “Lieutenant, shall we get to work.” Nora turned to Odak

Ellie nodded. “Let’s get to it. So, what are you thinking?”

Nora thought for a moment. " We need to contract a container that uses an electric and magnetic field where the anti-matter could stay. The electromagnetic field will prevent it from coming in contact with the wall of the container." Nora said. In the same breath, she continued " I don't know how long this container will keep the antimatter contained. I just hope it is long enough to get us out of danger."

Ellie nodded. “Can we find a way to use the ship’s systems to maintain the magnetic field for the magnetic bottle?”

"We could use the Bussard collectors to maintain a stable magnetic field long enough to escape from here, we can reconfigure them to serve our current situation, normally they are designed to collect hydrogen gases for replenishing our fuel tanks," Nora said.

“That sounds like a great idea!” Ellie nodded and smiled.

"I would need your help in Lieutenant Odak to get everything prepped," Nora said.

“Of course, I’m not an engineer but I can help from a Scientific, and hands on point of view.”


Deke returned to the bridge with Lt Covenant and awaited the collaboration answer. Time was running out and his hopes were high.

Ellie arrived on the bridge with Nora, walking over to Deke she offered a smile. “We have a plan Captain.” She looked towards Nora.

Nora standing next to Elli. "We are able to create a magnetic bottle where we could contain anti-matter and with the reconfigured Bussard collectors we can keep the magnetic field long enough to get us out of danger," Nora said.

“Excellent work” Shauna smiled as she looked between Nora and Ellie, before looking to Deke.

Deke smiled as they now had a plan.


Back on the bridge the Captain occupied his chair and toggled the intership comms.

" Is it working Ejo?"

Nora was so focused on her console that she almost didn't hear the question. It took a moment and answered " Sorry Sir, I was so focused. I can confirm on the readings that I'm getting that so far it is all is going according to plan and the magnetic bottle and the field of the Bussard collectors are stable.

[ Great job Commander. Helm plot a course to the outer rim of the outer rim of P2 system. One we are in range if the singularity we can release the antimatter. ] Deke then ordered.


The plan worked and once the Nova 2 resumed course back to P2 the antimatter exited the collector and yhe shake down of all systems again resumed.

" Captain we are receiving an urgent hail from Starbase Mercury. We are being recalled. Someone or thing has stolen numerous items includong two experimental torpedoes." Communications warned.

" Set a course back home maxumum warp and engage."



Ejo: Thanks for the help. I have cleared the occ. i hope that is ok.


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