# 24 " Damage Report "
Posted on Fri Nov 11th, 2022 @ 7:53pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant Hiri & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo)
Edited on on Fri Nov 11th, 2022 @ 10:49pm
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent
Following the freighter crews coming through sickbay for their injuries Hiri found a minutes to sip some catnip tea. Looking over to William she purred.
" You have game Doctor. Impressive."
"Thank you Doctor Hiri.....coming from you I'll take that as high praise" Williams responded with a grin "But the entire Department performed exceptionally well....even better than I could have hoped for....yourself included....thank you for your fine leadership."
“Hiri is a wonderful Doctor” Isabelle smiled as she walked over to Hiri and Ramvek. “You both are, we have an excellent medical department here on the station. I for one, as one of your maternity patients to be, am glad to have you both here.”
"Thank you Isabelle, it's reassuring to know you have faith in our Medical Department and my Staff.....that's nice to hear coming from our Patients and rest assured we'll continue to be here for you and your future baby" the Doctor replied with a smile.
“Of that I’ve no doubt” Isabelle smiled warmly.
With great sadness Brol and Raven entered the sickbay and seemed to be molting.
" Our saplings were taken. We are crushed." said Raven.
“Your saplings!!” Isabelle walked over to her Brol friends. “Who would do such a thing? Is there any way we can locate them?
" They are too young to have a mental link." Brol replied.
Ramvek stood listening to the conversation "Brol I'm very sorry your young were taken from you" he stated being sympathetic in his speech "Will they be able to survive on their own?"
" Brol are very sensitive to the elements. Their roots are very fragile." Brol replied.
The Doctor could hear the sadness in Brol's voice "If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask" he responded with a friendly smile.
“Is there anything I can do?” Isabelle was almost wishing she hadn’t given up her Brol abilities, she might have been able to help Brol & Raven’s seedlings if they were found in time.
Brol sighed and turned with Raven and prepared leave the area.
Shamarra had gone to sick bay as she'd heard some reports of missing equipment there too. She as just in time to hear one of the Tree beings say something about young being taken and the roots being very fragile. While she'd heard of the Brol species she'd never seen one. Walking over "I'm Lieutenant Shamarra Poole, I'm the science chief and new to the base. I'm sorry I couldn't help but overhear about your saplings. These thieves easily could have beamed them off. I know when I'm moving trees no matter how old or young they are I use the transporter."
Shamarra after commenting on her use of a transporter for trees and saplings and not sure if she'd been heard, it was clear as far as she thought were not interested in her comment turned and quietly left sick bay, she returned briefly to the main science lab where she placed the PADD on her desk that she wanted to ask who to turn in a report too over the theft from the science department. From there she locked her office door and headed for her quarters.
Doctor Williams had heard what Lieutenant Poole had mentioned about the transporter's being used to get the saplings off the Base as he turned to ask her more about it he noticed she was gone "Ok that's odd" he thought as he tapped his Comm "Transporter Chief this is Doctor Williams" he said with some urgency in his voice.
"This is the Chief, what can I do for you Doctor" came the response.
"Could you please check the transporter logs for any biologicals, namely sapling trees, be beamed off the base onto one of the recent freighters" Ramvek requested.
"Let me check" he replied. Several minutes later "Doctor, yes a bunch of saplings were beamed onto one of the Freighters just before they left the Base."
"Thank you Chief....could you send that information to Command....it may help them locate that Freighter and it's stolen cargo" Ramvek commented.
"Sure thing Doctor....I'll get on it right away....Chief out" came the reply as Ramvek was starting to be a little hopeful for Brol and Raven.
“Doctor...is there anything I’ll be able to do to help Brol and Raven’s saplings?” Isabelle looked at Ramvek concernedly. “We know the medication you gave me stops my green skin transformations, but does it stop my other Brol abilities? I had a connection with plants, almost like a...symbiosis I guess. If it still works I might be able to help the saplings, once they’re found.”
Williams thought briefly "The medication only suppresses the skin transformations" he paused for a moment before continuing "Any other side effects from your encounter with Brol should remain in tact. But that's only a theory since I never tested you for that" he replied.
Sureth scrolled through the reports and soon realized that the vulnerability of the station was far worse than he had realized.
" Commander Taavis come to my ready room please." Sureth requested.
Tapping her badge Taavis responded. "On my way, Captain. Out." The channel closed without further touch and off she went on one of many paths she could have chosen for the trek to the CO's Ready Room. She slowed her pace a bit as she approached the door, in case her arrival was expected enough that Sureth let the sensor allow her entry upon detecting her badge. If not she could faceplant into the door and then use the chime. It opened and the timing was perfect as she walked in and went to stand before her commanding officer. "What is on your mind, Captain?" She asked as she came to a halt and clasped her hands behind her back.
" Have you seen these reports of thefts? Right under our noses? Unacceptable. " Sureth found himself yelling.
Jessica was going through the monthly Inventory checks to see if all the equipment, tools, and materials are checked out and if she needed to order new supplies. With her pad in her hand, she checked off the items as she went by. Some of the materials that were supposed to be there weren't there. "Hmm..." she thought "they may have forgotten to mark them off, this could happen I need to remind them to mark off things that have been used." As she went on, she noticed that 8 tool boxes, some maintenance pads plus a few plasma cutters were missing and only two teams were sent out for repairs and maintenance. It was unusual that so many things went missing something didn't add up. She made a note in her pad, turned around and headed out the doors to go see Commander Taavis.
Waiting on Taavis, Captain Sureth hailed engineering.
[ This is Captain Sureth have your teams check the transporters in the odd chance they used one of ours to get off the station.]
Jessica had just entered Engineering again after talking to Commander Taavis when the voice of the Captain came through the comm. “Understood, Sir. I will send out the teams” she replied back through the comm. She then turned her attention to her team and assigned a team of two to almost all the transporterplattfomm. The teams then left Engineering.