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Post # 25 " Investigation Part 1

Posted on Mon Nov 14th, 2022 @ 6:23pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole

Mission: Pirates
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69



The events of the past few days had become very outrageous for Captain Sureth. Following his meeting with Commander Taavis the next step was an immediate staff meeting.

Someone or a group of someones had found a major flaw in the stations defense and now that hole had to be filled.

Doctor Williams left Sick Bay and entered a nearby Lift "Deck One Ops" came the request as the Lift propelled him to his destination. Walking into the Conference Room Ramvek could tell Sureth didn't look very happy, even for a Vulcan but gave a cheery acknowledgement anyway "Good afternoon Captain" he stated then grabbed an empty seat waiting for the others to arrive.

" It is many things Doctor but good is not one of them." Sureth snapped back.

Isabelle entered just in time to catch her father’s unusually emotional sounding response to Ramvek. “With all due respect Captain, Doctor Ramvek has done nothing to elicit such a, shall we say... annoyed, response.”

Shamarra after getting the call to report to the conference room headed there, walking in she nodded to the captain and to Ramvek the only two she knew. She took a seat next to the doctor.

" You are right. I apologize Doctor Williams. Once everyone arrives we can discuss this situation closer." Sureth replied.

Doctor Williams wasn't too concerned over Sureth's response figuring this had to be about the recent thefts "Apology accepted" he replied with a smile then turned to Shamarra "Are you getting settled in Ok" he queried.

Shamarra nodded "Slowly, I still get lost but I'm getting better at finding things. So far I can find the bridge, my quarters, sick bay and the main science lab. That's it."

"Perhaps when you get some down time you'd allow me to take you on a tour of the Promenade Decks. There are a lot of great Shoppes, Clubs and Eateries" Ramvek offered remembering what it was like when he arrived at the Base.

"I'd like that, I've not ventured too far as this is a big base and getting lost and having to ask for directions is not a good thing," Shamarra said.

"Good, we can sort out the details later" Ramvek replied in a low voice then turned his attention back to the matter at hand.

Sureth looked to Isabella. " You raised your voice to me daughter."

Isabelle looked towards her father. “With all due respect Sir, it is my job as Counselor to raise issues that I feel require attention. I didn’t intentionally raise my voice to you, if I did I apologize for doing so.”

" It is me. This happened under my watch. Those items and the culprits must be apprehended." Sureth replied.

Isabelle offered an understanding smile. “It’s not your fault Sir, none of us were prepared for this. Whoever did it has obviously done it before.”

Hearing the conversation between Isabelle and Sureth the Doctor chimed in "Captain I have to agree with the Counselor; it appears that they knew what they wanted to steal and where to get the items. Logically they've done this before elsewhere; at least as far as Medical is concerned" he stated with assurance.

" That would imply a mole. Logic would dictate that Someone aboard is an accomplice." Sureth replied.

"I have reports of what was taken from science but since I've only met the captain and the doctor I have no idea who to turn my report in to. Also scuttlebutt tells that the restaurant owned by Kitten Dawson called the Cats has been totally destroyed," Shamarra spoke up

" We will begin there." Sureth replied.

As he said that an unfamimiar voice and person entered the room. A tall distinct man dressed in a Marine Green uniform took all attention.

" Captain Sureth? I am Brigadier General Monroe Thirman of the Judge Advocate General's Office. You and First Officer Taavis are relieved of duty and are facing charges of aiding a foreign government. Security is outside to escort you to your quarters. Do you know where Commander Taavis is?"

" No I do not." Sureth replied. " This is my station."

" Not for now. Captain Deke Rivers will be assuming command once the Nova 2 returns. " Thirman replied.

Sureth looked to Isabella " Do not fear Daughter the truth will come out"



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