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#01 On the Lamb

Posted on Mon Nov 14th, 2022 @ 10:44pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani
Edited on on Mon Nov 21st, 2022 @ 2:09pm

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: IKS Talon
Timeline: current


The IKS Talon had returned from a sector patrol, Kehlani sitting in her command chair with one leg thrown over an armrest as she lounged back casually reading reports. All systems operating at 110%, or so the crew claimed. Logically, nothing could ever exceed 100%. All it was is some ingenuity done by personnel, gaining say...a 2% increase in mechanical output, then tooting their own horn by claiming that the system now performing at 102%. No, it's not, thought Kehlani. The person responsible merely made the effort to enhance a system with a new way to process and run.

Kehlani smiled inwardly. ~Listen to me~ she thought ~Logic! It's what I get for befriending a quirky half-breed Vulcan/Romulan~

Placing her PADD in the slot on the side of her chair Kehlani stood and stretched, then shook it out a bit. "Status?"

"Dropping from warp now, HoD. Approaching the outer markers for Starbase Mercury."

"HoD," said Behlesa, the Talon's Science officer. "Not much traffic. Scans show no enemy ships."

Kehlani began to move around the row of consoles to her left as she faced the screen, coming in next to her Science Officer, seeing the readings and data herself. Stepping a pace over to another adjacent station Kehlani began to input codes and security clearances for her status as a Starfleet Strategic Operations Officer, and Chief of such on Mercury. Then again, Starfleet was infamous for being dangerously unprepared for violence since they always tried to be everyone's friend. Not all who travel through space are friendly. As the data came up through her connection to Mercury Kehlani did some speed reading and got caught up. "Hard to fathom that pirates did this. What the Federation gets for letting them exist to begin with."

Ch'tang, her tall, fit, and handsome Tactical Officer/XO looked up from his own station across the Bridge. "Pirates!" He psuedo-spat to his left. "I hope they return this day!"

"As do I," responded Kehlani, now finished reading and bringing her own eyes back up. "Request permission to approach the station. Make sure they know who we are and that we pose no threat."

The helm officer chuckled and spoke up to no one in particular, her tone a bit sarcastic. "Starfleet are bound to be jumpy, as is their due."

Kehlani and the IKS Talon awaited confirmation.


"I have reports of what was taken from science but since I've only met the captain and the doctor I have no idea who to turn my report in to. Also scuttlebutt tells that the restaurant owned by Kitten Dawson called the Cats has been totally destroyed," Shamarra spoke up

" We will begin there." Sureth replied.

As he said that an unfamimiar voice and person entered the room. A tall distinct man dressed in a Marine Green uniform took all attention.

" Captain Sureth? I am Brigadier General Monroe Thirman of the Judge Advocate General's Office. You and First Officer Taavis are relieved of duty and are facing charges of aiding a foreign government. Security is outside to escort you to your quarters. Do you know where Commander Taavis is?"

" No I do not." Sureth replied. " This is my station."

" Not for now. Captain Deke Rivers will be assuming command once the Nova 2 returns. " Thirman replied.

Sureth looked to Isabella " Do not fear Daughter the truth will come out"

The Ensign within the Captain's office had been compiling reports and handing PADDs to Sureth. All the data was updated from the attacks all over the station. Commander Taavis herself had ordered the ensign to see to certain areas, and to see to the needs of the station residents outside of Starfleet. So, as he traded new PADDs and scooped up the others, he gave a polite nod to all those in the room and quickly beat feet out the door to not disturb them. He knew exactly where Taavis was but they did not need to know that. Without further ado, and placing the PADDs he had aside, the Ensign began the trek through Mercury to get back to his Commander and inform her of what was transpiring.

Sitting within club Bliss, Taavis quietly sipped hot tea and tapped away on PADDs set before her on the table in the VIP niche. Today she was wearing her black leatheris catsuit (see bio pics) with her combadge and pips in the right places. Around her waist was an equipment belt based off of the old MACo's. Phase pistol, stun baton, pouch for a palm PADD and another for a tricorder, all of which were within their holsters. As she made to take another sip from her lifted mug she saw a young Starfleet officer come in through the main entrance, head on a swivel as he seemed to be looking for someone. Then, his eyes landed on her and he hurried over as she finished her sip, set her mug down and swallowed in time enough to query when he finally approached. "Can I help you, Ensign Resch?"

Taking a few breaths to settle down, and internally appreciative of the fact she even remembered his name, Griffon Heinrich Resch stood tall before the woman he respected. "Commander, you have to go."

Taavis arched an eyebrow. "Is there an issue I am not aware of?"

"Yes, there is," stated Resch. Despite his German name the younger man spoke like someone fresh from deep within England. "There's some general here from HQ, Sir. He has stripped Sureth of command and is confining him to quarters. He asked about you but Sureth is either exaggerating, or he truly had no idea where you were. Either way, Commander, you have to leave Mercury, NOW!"

The Ensign was quite insistant and that came as a surprise to Taavis, though she did not show it. She got to her feet and gathered the three PADDs on the table, handing them over to him. "Ensign Resch, take those to where they need to go. I need to contact Lieutenant Kehlani to see when she'll return from Patrol."

"She's back," stated Resch, a grin forming on his face. "As I passed through OPS I heard that the Talon was waiting at the outer markers and they were being told to hold until further notice."

This Human was fast becoming quite useful. Taavis gave him a nod as she passed by Resch. "Thank you, Mister Resch. Remain ignorant for your own good. Thank you for your courage and daring." Removing her combadge and pips Taavis placed them on the back of the bar before pulling out her palm PADD, tapping here and there and inputting codes to access the hidden communicator within, inputting the comm code for the Talon. She held it to her ear as the call went out. "IKS Talon, I need to speak with HoD Kehlani immediately."

Over on IKS Talon Kehlani was walking circles around her Bridge while waiting for Starfleet to decide whether or not she could approach. Ch'tang spoke up as his eyes looked to his CO. "HoD, one Commander Taavis wishes to confer." He gave a crooked grin.

"About damned time," hissed Kehlani as she stood behind her command chair, half turned to look at her Security Chief, one arm lazily resting on the headrest like she was side-saddle to a bar. "On speakers." Ch'tang's fingers tapped in the command and he gave a nod. "Taavis, I need a sitrep (situation report), it would seem."

When Taavis spoke back through the speakers her tone was nowhere near any kind of humor. "Not now, Kehlani. I need immediate transport to your vessel. I'll explain once aboard."

"Behlesa, lock onto the Commander's comm unit and beam her aboard," ordered Kehlani.

"Transporting now."

Kehlani turned to face the access door to the Bridge, looking to her left before she departed. "Ch'tang, cloak and move the ship 500 qelI'qams (kilometers) to port, z-minus 5,000 meters. Make it so." She left the Bridge.

Entering the transporter room Kehlani noted two of her crew standing watch at the door, not letting the Vulcan to freely wander the ship. "Stand down, warriors. She is a friend. Dismissed." After the two grunted and nodded in acknowledgement they left the chamber. "Now, would you like to explain what the hell is going on and why you are calling me on the sly?"

Taavis got in step with her friend, both walking back to the Bridge as they went. "Apparently Captain Sureth has been stripped of his command and confined to quarters. I was also included in this surprise visit from HQ, yet I was not in OPS nor Sureth's office when they arrived. An ensign I know gave me the downlow on the situation so I decided to come here if you were back. Otherwise I would be detained and sitting on my couch eating ice cream and watching comedy." She explained all she knew as they made way.

The Bridge door opened and closed with the echoing sliding and clanking sounds prevalent on a Klingon ship, the two stopping just inside and behind the center seat. Ch'tang could not help himself, knowing Taavis quite well through his friend and Commander Kehlani. "Vulcans watch comedy?" He gave a guffaw.

Taavis relaxed her Vulcan discipline enough to grin in return. "Not all of them, just those with good taste." Her attention went back to Kehlani. "HoD Kehlani, I seek asylum aboard this Klingon vessel. Apart from that I need you to be the Starfleet officer you are and 'detain' me aboard your ship. Confined to quarters, as it were, just done in a unique way. However, doing this could ruin your Starfleet career."

"Bah!" Kehlani waved that off. "I am Klingon and can always return to full service there. Starfleet honored me with my unique service know that what I feel in my heart guides me more than any directives could, from either side." She stepped in closer to her friend, grabbing both the Vulcan's arms just below the shoulders and holding tight as she shook Taavis slightly. "We swore a blood oath, you and I," Kehlani had more to say but first she grasped her friend in a warrior's hug before stepping back to continue speaking. "Your enemies are my enemies, Sister. I share that same bond with Billi and nothing can break that except for betrayal. You are now safe under our," she raised her arms slightly to waist level, hands splayed open like a presenter as she included her Bridge crew. "Protection." Her hands dropped and she went around and sat in her chair, with Taavis taking a position to the right of her command chair. The left spot was for the XO, and Kehlani knew that Taavis would never dishonor Ch'tang by presuming she could stand in his place. "Helm, return us to our last coordinates, awaiting Mercury. Drop the cloak and return to normal operations."

Only time would tell how this would play out, thought Taavis.



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