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Post # 2 "A Night Out"

Posted on Tue Nov 15th, 2022 @ 5:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Mon Nov 21st, 2022 @ 7:10pm

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 43 - Doc's Quarters}

As promised Ramvek was going to escort Heidi to a Club, at twenty one hundred, as friends and hopefully not make a fool of himself on the dance floor. After a nice hot shower he splashed on his favorite aftershave and went to his closet to find some appropriate attire. Opening his closet he realized that his civilian clothes were sorely lacking in variety since he usually was dressed in regulation Star Fleet uniforms most days. He did however find a pair of blue jeans, a tan dress shirt, and a blue vest along with a comfortable pair of shoes. After dressing he checked his hair one last time, grabbed his Comm badge and was out the door.

{Deck 32 - Heidi's Quarters}

Arriving at his destination Ramvek palmed the door sensor and waited for a reply. Heidi hearing the door went and opened it "Ramvek please come in, I'm almost ready to go and your right on time" she stated with a smile.

Ramvek entered noticing Heidi wearing a brown skirt which fell just above the knee along with a cream colored sleeveless knitted top. She looked even cuter than normal, if that was even possible.

Heidi grabbed her purse as she walked up to Ramvek "Well Doctor don't you clean up nice" she commented noticing how handsome he looked in civilian attire.

"Thank you look pretty nice yourself" he replied with a grin.

"That's very kind of you to say so" she stated as she turned in a circle grinning like the Cheshire Cat "I'm ready if you are."

Ramvek stood there for a moment savoring the smell of her perfume which permeated his senses "Ah....yes I'm as ready as I ever will be" he replied with a smile as they left for the Club.

{Deck 199 - Club A Go-Go}

The two walked into the Club while Ramvek was noticing it was starting to fill up when Heidi asked "Would like a drink?" Ramvek nodded yes, a drink was just what he needed at the moment.

Heidi looked at the Bartender "I'll have a wine spritzer" then she turned to Ramvek "Brandy?" she asked as he nodded yes and started to reach for his money "I got can get the next round" as she paid for the drinks. The two walked over to a small round table which was designed for standing only.

They had barely started talking when a guy came out on a small platform "Good evening.....I'm Doctor D and I'll be your DJ for this evening" he stated "Let's start with a blast from Earth's past" as he started up the music [theme from Saturday Night Fever].

Heidi's eyes became big around as she heard the music and grabbed Ramvek by the hand and hauled him out onto the dance floor which had colored squares on the floor blinking on and off to the beat of the music "Disco.....I love disco music" she stated with a smile as she began to move to the music "Follow my lead."

Ramvek watched her dance for a moment rather enjoying watching her move to the music but figured he better at least make an attempt to follow along as he started to move the way she was moving.

After a few minutes Heidi smiled "That's it....see your catching on" she shouted to be heard over the music as he continued to give it his best had been a long time since he had danced.

When he music stopped they returned to their table and continued with their drinks when Heidi commented "Ramvek your just full of surprises.....for someone never doing that type of dance before you did really good....not as good as me of course....but good" while grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you.....I think....that was fun" he replied with a chuckle then the music began to play once again [Thriller].

Heidi giggled as she grabbed him by the hand once more and they walked out onto the dance floor "Here stand beside me in this line and follow my lead" she said with a smile. As she began to move with everyone else Ramvek started to follow along.

Before long Ramvek was getting right into the groove with front steps, back steps, shaking his hands, bending at the waste then clapping his hands.....he was having a ball at the moment as he looked over at Heidi with a big smile on his face.

When the music stopped they went back to their table when Ramvek asked "Another turn to buy."

"Yes thank you.....I could use another drink" she replied with a smile as he went to the bar. Shortly he returned with their drinks.

Heidi took a long sip of her drink then looked up and smiled at Ramvek "So, it looks like your having a good time" she commented with a grin.

"Yes actually I am. I never thought this old style of dance could be so much fun and the exercise isn't bad either" he replied with a chuckle as he sipped his brandy.

"Good I'm glad to hear it.....with all the pressure of your job you need to unwind once in awhile" she commented. As they chatted for several minutes a young guy came up to Heidi "Would you like to dance" he asked. "That's very sweet of you but I have a dance partner already....I'm sorry but no" she stated as the guy smiled then turned and walked off.

"You know you could have danced with that guy.....I wouldn't have minded in the least" he commented with a grin.

"I know but like I said I already have a dance partner" she replied with a big smile then the music started to play once again as she grabbed him by the hand and walked out onto the dance floor.

This time Ramvek didn't need any dance instruction as it was a slow dance [Sounds of Silence] and he knew just what to do, taking Heidi in his arms they began to dance. After a few minutes Heidi looked at Ramvek "Doctor Williams you're really quite the dancer" she commented with a grin.

"'s nice to actually know what I'm doing for a change" he replied with a grin as he became a little cocky and moved her around the dance floor in an elegant fashion. Heidi was very happy as she placed her head on his shoulder hoping the music would never end.

After the dance was finished they returned to their table and finished what was left of their drinks while talking for awhile. "Maybe we should be's getting kind of late" Heidi commented.

"Yes we can go if you want and I'll walk you back to your quarters" he replied with a smile. So the two left the Club and made their way to a nearby Lift "Deck 32" Ramvek stated as they were off "So.....the million credit question.....did you have a good time tonight" he asked.

A big smile came across Heidi's face "I had the best time I've had in ages.....thank you" she replied.

{Deck 32 - Heidi's Quarters}

When they arrived at her place Heidi looked at Ramvek with a smile "Would like to come in for a nightcap" she queried.

He thought for a brief moment "Sure why not" he answered and the two walked into her quarters "Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable and I'll get us a drink."

Heidi soon returned with their drinks and sat next to the Doctor. They sipped their drinks and talked for a little while about the evening and how much fun it had been.

Ramvek knew it was getting late "I should be going....I need my beauty sleep" he remarked with a chuckle then stood.

Heidi stood as well and proceeded to get very close to him "There's something that I'm curious about" she said in a low voice "Do you kiss as well as you dance?"

The Doctor was really taken back by her query and didn't know how to answer so he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's find out" she whispered in a soft sultry voice then gave Ramvek a very sweet kiss on the lips for several seconds then stepped back with a smile "Ummm....very really can kiss as well as you dance."

Ramvek so wanted to return the kiss but thought better of it; he didn't want something to happen that they both would regret later "I really should be going, thank you for a fun evening" he remarked then turned and was out the door rather quickly.


Ramvek walked around the bend then stopped and leaned up against the wall and let out a long sigh "Damn that women! Why does she have to be so cute.....and she was so sexy on the dance floor.....and that kiss....I haven't been kissed like that in a long time."

He resumed the trek back to his quarters with all of these things going through is mind over and over again. The bottom line was as the CMO he really shouldn't get involved with one of his matter how attracted he is to her......but shouldn't he be allowed to have a personal life as well?"


Heidi was quite amused at the Doctor's quick exit after their kiss; it was actually kind of cute. Sitting she began sipping her drink as she played the evening over in her mind. " The Doctor is such a sweet guy and I had such a wonderful evening.....such a nice kiss" as a warm smile came over her face " And I would happily spend the night with him."



OOC: So it starts the Doctor has to wrestle with his commitment to duty verses his own personal desire. I wonder which one he'll choose; or can he blend them both together. Only time will tell.

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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