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#3 Intel. Investigation

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2022 @ 6:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi
Edited on on Mon Nov 21st, 2022 @ 7:10pm

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: promenade
Timeline: current


Lieutenant Billi stood her post on Alpha shift, in OPS, directing space traffic and seeing to the runabout patrols, which she had doubled since the pirate attack. Being Orion, and having ran her own clan for many years, Billi had been impressed that they had had the balls to even try. But, Mercury was far away from immediate Federation aid, or Starfleet backup. There was a mole here, she knew that without a doubt. The starships stationed here had been dispersed for other missions which had left Mercury wide open. And, true to its nature, Starfleet became compliant, secure in the knowledge that they were Starfleet and all was fine. One would think that the Dominion war would have at least caused starbase commanders to re-assess defensive posture. She had never received orders to change anything or to redouble efforts for sector security out in space.

Seeing her shift was over Billi handed her post over to the Beta shift leader, conferring for a few minutes as the shift change was completed. Once that was done properly Billi left OPS and headed for the Promenade. Taavis was gone, having beamed to a Klingon ship. Sureth had been removed from command temporarily so that a full investigation could be run to determine if he, or Taavis, had had anything to do with the attack. She doubted that very much, but procedures had to be followed. With all of that in mind Billi went by her office and donned an equipment belt with a phase pistol set to full stun, palm PADD and tricorder. Taavis had asked Billi to look into the bombing on the Promenade, in the eatery owned by one Kitten Dawson. Billi's extensive knowledge of criminal activities, ways, and means were familiar to her simply by virtue of her upbringing. There was not an Orion in existance who did not have some undertsanding of the criminal underworld. It was a part of their culture since the fall of the Orion Empire 200,000 years ago.

With the base having been attacked and the Security department stretched to the limit trying to catalog all that was taken, Taavis had asked Billi to look into the restaurant incident to free up Investigator Dallas. The Warrant Officer would be neck deep in all going on, treading water, as it were. As an Intelligence officer as much as a Flight Control Chief, it was not unheard of for Intelligence to take part in investigations, especially when it concerns being boarded. The how and why had to be looked into so that all departments could prevent any further internal attacks. With Intelligence having no department head then according to Starfleet regulations the XO had to oversee the department and keep tabs on it, so having been ordered to look into the bombing was in line with Starfleet directives. Billi knew that Taavis had been wanting to pass the torch of Security Chief to another so she could focus on being XO but had not had the chance to do so before all hell broke loose.

Billi gave a grin to herself as she walked along, seeing the Promenade still disheveled somewhat but getting its pieces back together. Many of the base residents were still staying in their quarters as they were afraid to venture out in case another pirate wave decided to hit. Having a naturally suspicious mind Billi could not help but wonder if the bombing of the restaurant had been the catalyst to all of it. The hub, as it were. Once that 'signal' had gone off, shortly thereafter the pirates came in and wreaked havoc. It made her curious. So, without furhter ado she rambled along the walkways on the Promenade as she headed for the bombed out restaurant that was at the very beginning of Shadow Way, where Kehlani, herself, and Taavis all had businesses. None of their businesses had been damaged by the explosion but they had been ransacked. Her employees were inside her jazz lounge, 'The Emerald', cleaning up the after effects.

As she walked along Billi could see a family at a replimat, dining in the open air of the Promenade. When the father glanced up and saw Billi he told his family he would be right back and got up, coming over to her and leading her over to the handrail that looked down to the lower Promenade. He kept his voice tone low. "Is the worst of it over," the man glanced at her collar. "Lieutenant?"

"Honestly, that remains to be seen, Sir." Answered Billi as truthfully as she could. "We have made every effort to deter another boarding action, but whether or not another attack is imminent, we just can't say."

"Not very comforting, Lieutenant."

Billi understood his frustration. "I agree. However, a life in space is not for the feint of heart. You knew this when you agreed to live on a station light years away from any support. The unknowns out here on the Fringe are always a threat and why Starfleet is making every effort to assign more vessels to the sector. Bigger ships with the punch to match. My runabouts right now are all fitted with the tactical variant while on patrol, not to mention the dozen Delta Flyers at my disposal. We are as safe as we can be, Sir, I assure you."

The man gave nods here and there as she spoke, his eyes widening a bit at the blunt way she stated that he chose to be here. Which, of course, he had and brought his family with him. When they had arrived the base had a skeleton crew and very few civilians. As the months went by the Starfleet personnel filled out and the citizens began to show up in droves to get their piece of the Mercury pie on the Promenade. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I'm just looking out for my family, didn't mean to try and point fingers."

Giving a friendly grin Billi shook his hand, being glad that she had years ago figured out how to control her pheromones. If not, by the time this conversation had ended back in the day the guy would be a horny, drooling mess mentally. Easy to manipulate. But, it felt good to shake his hand as an equal, not the Black Widow playing coy until she could strike. "I never took it as that, Sir. Your concerns are valid and to get upset over your words is foolish."

Giving a grin in return, the man shook her hand, nodded goodbye and returned to eat with his family, leaning in and quietly telling them what had been said. Billi had moved on but not before noting that his family seemed to relax more into their chairs as he relayed his information. Good, she thought, one more brush fire put out.

Lieutenant Billi continued on, her stride casual but with purpose.



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