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Post Number 4 Decions

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2022 @ 8:50pm by Kitten Dawson
Edited on on Mon Nov 21st, 2022 @ 7:10pm

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Kitten didn’t have the heart to return to what was once her restaurant, Digger had gone to check on the meat she had in storage and to make sure the animals that were in status were still okay after what had happened to the base.

Sitting down at the table in her quarters Kitten opened her lap top and began to search for a new location to open another restaurant if she could afford the rent as it had taken her savings to hire a freighter to bring her and Digger out here. Saturn Station had always intrigued her as what better view to have than the yellow planet with its rings for customers to see. After looking at places she shook her head there was nothing in her price range and she refused to let her boyfriend fund her, he had is own plans for a business.

With Saturn Station out of her price range she set to work looking for other places, but none were in her price range and then there was the added cost of hiring a freighter and transporting all of her meat she had frozen and the animals in status. Fresh tears fell and she brushed them away and closed her lap top.

Not wanting her boyfriend to come home and see her eyes all swollen and red from crying. Getting up she walked into the bathroom, splashed cold water on her face, picked up the leash and snapped it onto the collar of her puppy.

Digger walked in just as Kitten snapped the leash onto the puppy “Going for a walk?”

Kitten nodded “He needs the exercise and I just need to walk and clear my mind and think on things.” Taking his hand they walked from their quarters and avoided the lower promenade where the restaurant had once been. “What did you find out? Everything still okay?”

Digger nodded as he placed is arm around her waist “Your meat and animals are fine. I found an office to rent but I hesitate to do so as I don’t want you to be here if you’re unhappy. Opening your own restaurant and getting your signature menu items was your dream and in one day it’s all gone. What do you want to do? You tell me and if you want to leave we’ll leave. I’ll hire a freighter and we’ll go, you me and Pepper.”

Kitten stopped, turned to face her boyfriend “I won’t hold you back on your dreams. You’ve wanted your own advertising business and if you’ve found an office I won’t ask you to give it up. I’ll sell the meat and animals and go to work for you.”

Digger pulled her into a hug kissed her “You won’t be happy, I’ve also got a freighter captain ready to take us, meat and animals back to Earth. So let’s do it. I can set up an office anywhere and you can start a new restaurant anyplace. I told you I’d back you and I will. Heck I can even have my advertising business in your restaurant. What do you say?”

“I don’t want you to go to that expense,” Kitten said as she knelt down to pet her puppy

“I’m sure security is working on who did this,” Digger said kneeling down next to her.

“They don’t know, I didn’t know who to turn this into as I’ve only met three people so no security has not been told and no report has been filed. I just want to go home.” Kitten said picking up her puppy and got to her feet “Let’s just sell everything.”

Digger nodded and got to his feet “I’ll contact the freighter captain and it’ll take a few days to get things sold,”

Kitten nodded as she put the puppy down again and they headed back to their quarters.

Digger reached into his pocket to make sure the ring was still there. He'd ask her over dinner.



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