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#5 On the Trail

Posted on Thu Nov 17th, 2022 @ 6:04am by Sean Silk
Edited on on Mon Nov 21st, 2022 @ 7:11pm

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: undisclosed
Timeline: current


Captain Sean Silk stood in an upstairs office in a warehouse out on some dustball colony world, his bodyguard and friend, Rusty the Gorn, standing just behind his right shoulder at an imposing eight feet tall. Around them were more mercenaries Silk had hired for this job, people he had worked with before and trusted to get the job done. Bound to chairs were three men, all known criminals in his underworld and the black market, who had just enough balls and stupidity to actually attack a Starfleet facility. The mercs had been working the boys over, all of them with cuts and bruises on their faces, noses and lips dripping blood from the multiple blows they had all received. Silk, casual as ever, had just clipped and lit a cigar and got it going, taking his time to puff until it was ideal. He gave a psuedo-confused expression. "Sorry. Where were we?"

Rusty took a sidestep and then half a step forward to come to stand directly to Sean's right. He hissed, growled and grunted in his own language which caused Silk to act like he now remembered. "Oh, right. Assholes and answers." His gaze hardened as he looked to the three while stepping forward and beginning to pace back and forth in front of them. His three mercs, one for each captive, grabbed a fist full of hair on each man and pulled their heads back so their faces were angled at their boss. "So, not one of you can tell me anything in regards to the Mercury's missing equipment?" He stopped his pacing in front of the captive in the middle. "I find that hard to believe. See, you honed in on my haul. Starfleet trusts me and I can make a bundle just by making off with what they leave lying around. Then, along comes a bunch of hooligans determined to piss on my parade. Mercury is mine! My territory! See this guy here," he thumbed at Rusty. "He loves a fresh kill and we taste pretty good to him. Plus, nothing like a warm meal before a nap, wouldn't you say?"

The man in the chair to the right of center began to fidget and pull at his bonds despite the hair pulling going on. Gritting his teeth he looked at Sean. "Mister Silk, please, don't let that...thing eat me. I'll tell you what I know if..."

The man left of center spoke up through his own pain induced gritting of teeth. "Shut your mouth, Nelson! To blazes with this guy. We'll suffer much worse if we rat."

Silk kept looking at the man to right of center. Nelson, was his name it seemed. "Nelson, what's his name?" Sean used his head to nod-point at lefty. "You have to build my trust if you wish to avoid those fangs."

"Johnny! His name is Johnny."

Johnny got uppity, despite his situation. "Nelson, you motherfu..."

Before he could finish his sentence Silk had drawn his pistol in one smooth move and fired a shot directly into Johnny's chest, killing him instantly. His body slumped as it jerked a few times before going still. Holstering his sidearm Silk took a few puffs from the cigar before looking to the two, his eyes on Nelson more than the other. "This, all of this, isn't necessary. I know that several items from Mercury came through here, but they aren't here now. Where-were-they-headed?"

Nelson kept glancing at Rusty, the Gorn making a show of it with a grimace and some drool dripping from his tooth-filled maw. Silk was not wrong, thought Rusty, he did enjoy feasting on Humans now and then. They were so squishy. After seeing that Nelson began to stutter like he wanted to speak but then the center man decided to intervene.

"Nelson, you swore. As we all did. Don't go out like some wussy, take it like a man and leave this jerk nothing to work with."

Sean took in a breath as he closed his eyes and exhaled, momentarily taken aback by their inability to see reason. Maybe his next move would change the heart of the survivor. "Rusty, lunch time," said Silk, waving the merc holding center man back and away so the Gorn could work. And, work he did. The man screamed bloody murder (no pun intended), his shrieks of fear and agony heard for a few moments before Rusty got tired of hearing it while mauling his guts and bit into the man's neck, nearly decapitating him with a single bite. Of course, being only a meter away, that caused blood to spurt, squirt and spray in a concentric circle around the seated corpse with a light spritz covering Sean from head to foot all along his left side. Little droplets like freckles on his clothes and skin. As he sputtered the vile liquid from his own lips Silk observed Rusty ripping the man's head off with what little flesh and bone was left to hold it on.

Nelson had screamed and cried in absolute terror as he watched a one-time friend get mauled right in front of him.

However, Silk gave Rusty a shitty look as he dropped the cigar and mashed it out with his boot and then began to fluff his jacket. "Really, Rusty?" He shook his head. "You know this outfit was hand-made, right?" The Gorn hissed out a few words. "Okay, okay, you got caught up in the moment, I accept your apology. Just, next time...wait until I move."

Nelson was still blubbering and completely useless now that his heart had been clutched in terror. He sat there mumbling to himself incoherently and seemed to be utterly out of his mind.

Rusty twisted one of his lunch's elbows until the arm came apart at the joint with him holding it up like a grisly chicken leg. He held it out towards Nelson who flinched and then did everything he could to back up and get away from the lizard man while screaming in fear and yelling for Rusty to stay away from him.

Silk dropped his chin and pinched the bridge of his nose as he was getting a headache from the screaming. So, like the other, he pulled his pistol and shot Nelson in the throat which turned his screams into gurgles as the wound would prove fatal since it had destroyed his windpipe among other things. The merc moved away as he saw Sean aim again, this time shooting the man between the eyes just to make sure he was dead. Holstering his weapon he looked to his people. "Disintegrate the bodies and cleanse this building. Rusty, wrap your food up or you can't bring it with you." If nothing else Sean Silk respected other cultures, he had to after centuries wandering the galaxy. Brutal or not, what had transpired was perfectly normal for a Gorn.

He loved it when he could justify anything.

Rusty tossed the arm aside, not really hungry at the moment. He had enjoyed the kill. Finding a locker room in the warehouse both Rusty and Sean stepped into the sonic shower and let the electronic shower clean them completely, clothes, equipment, and all coming out spotless. Once cleaned up the two of them made their way back to the SS Redeemer.



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