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Post 01 " House Call "

Posted on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 @ 5:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Commodore Sureth
Edited on on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 @ 5:19pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Before going to see Isabella Captain Sureth had to stop off at sickbay.

" Doctor Williams are you busy?" Sureth inquired.

Looking up from what he was reading "Never too busy for the Captain" Ramvek stated "How can I help you."

" I have a two fold reason for house calling you Doctor. First is how is the recruit doing?" Sureth replied.

"Labno is doing extremely well. He's diligent in his studies when off duty and has been learning from my head Medic Lieutenant Johnson" Ramvek explained then continued "Labno and I sat down the other day and have made out his application for the Academy since he's doing so well. I hope you don't mind but I sent them off to Star Fleet already. Meanwhile Johnson will be helping him study for the entrance exam."

" I see so you wish to be his mentor at the academy? To do so you have to be of sufficient rank. Therefore I am prepared to offer you a rank increase to Lieutenant Commander. Congratulations Doctor Williams." Sureth said hand him an extra pip.

Doctor Williams stood momentarily being lost for words, which was quite unusual, not knowing quite what to say. After gathering his thoughts "Thank you Captain Sureth, this is very unexpected" as Williams accepted the extra pip.

" The sentiment is accepted. You are a very efficient and useful member of my crew. Thank you also for helping Labno. Having a Savai citizen to join Star Fleet will show their value to the Federation. " Sureth replied.

"Thank you Captain for the accolades. Helping Labno was my pleasure; he's a very talented young man and will have a bright future in Star Fleet" Ramvek stated being very sincere.

" I will let you carry on Doctor. Keep up the good work." Sureth replied.

"Thank you I will and please stop by anytime" Ramvek replied with a grin.

Sureth nodded and then exited sickbay.

A very surprised Ramvek turned and walked into his Office with the new pip in hand as he went over to a mirror and placed it in the proper position. Looking at his new rank he smiled at himself even though he would most times still go by Doctor. Even though rank wasn't all that important to him, it was still nice to be recognized by one's superiors for the work accomplished.



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