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Post Number 33 Decisions

Posted on Tue Jan 10th, 2023 @ 6:43pm by Kitten Dawson
Edited on on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 9:23pm

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Unknown
Timeline: Current

I don’t know what to do with this character, only three people have bothered to meet Kitten so I’m at a loss as to how or where Kitten fits in.


After speaking to the base captain Kitten had vowed to never set foot on the bridge again. The curtness and yelling had been something she’d not been used to and then there was the escorting off the bridge when the word had come about the temporary restaurant and nothing but replicated food. Kitten had been so unhappy that she’d not even bothered to go check it out.

Kitten had gone to her quarters and had spent several days crying as the dream of owning a restaurant was for now on hold. Anyplace could have replicated food she’d wanted her place to have fresh food and she’d spent months getting the meat and animals together and had spent her last bit of funds to come out here. Now that all seemed for naught.

Digger had tried to comfort her but he knew she was heartbroken and that she needed a break. The couple had packed bags and the puppy and had headed out for some time to think of what they were going to do.



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