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#9 Primary Duty

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 8:45pm by Commander Kehlani
Edited on on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 3:43pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: current


Lieutenant Kehlani had freshened up but still wore her standard garb. As a Klingon she stayed dressed as one, with her Starfleet paraphernalia in place. After seeing to her hygiene she then strode through the base, arriving at Strategic Operations and entering after inputting her codes and a retinal scan. Stepping within the inner sanctum she saw several officers sitting at stations and seeing to data streams. A Lt.JG approached.

"Good afternoon, Lieutenant Kehlani. Nice to have you back, Sir. I'm Lieutenant Jacob Carlson, your relief when you are elsewhere."

"Well met, Mister Carlson. Do you have a report PADD for me?"

"Of course," he said, going over to a work table and picking up a PADD, bringing it back and handing it to her. Despite himself his eyes kept dancing around, dipping down in angle at her rather open cleavage occasionally. He was trying desperately not to, but with them on display as they were it was hard to avoid having a look.

Kehlani let him squirm, taking the PADD and turning away from him as she began to read. Her strides took her to her office, with her leaving the door locked open as she entered and sat down behind her barren desk. All it had for decoration were the devices supplied, nothing more. She had never felt at home here, not enough to decorate how she saw fit, anyway. Splitting her loyalties was weighing on her mind more and more these days, and despite the fact she would die for either government, the Klingon Empire was always first. She had shed blood for her people and gained honor for her House on numerous occasions, and intended to go right on doing that. Kehlani the Unstoppable, was what she was being called by the bekks at the Academy of war. She had to smile inwardly at that.

As she read the reports, getting to the final few, Kehlani noted that an entourage of diplomats was arriving soon, on a Federation starship that was having mechanical difficulties. Had that been a Klingon ship then the chief engineer could be executed for incompetence were it proven that their actions, or lack thereof, was responsible for the breakdown. But, that was not her concern. Kehlani looked up at her doorway. "Carlson!" She barked.

Mister Carlson appeared in the doorway. "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"Has all relevant data been sent to Intelligence and Security?" Asked Kehlani, her eyes squinting slightly in a show of judgement.

"Aye, Sir. According to your parameters, they each received what they are due."

"Excellent," said Kehlani as she stood up and came around her desk, with Carlson moving aside as she came at him to leave her office, and did not break stride. Had he not moved she would have bowled him over. "You are proving useful to me, Lieutenant." She spun around to face him. "Continue to do so and I may consider you for my assistant. Fail me...well, I'll leave you to wonder."

Carlson gave a hard swallow, his eyes showing some anxiety. Having never worked with a Klingon he was not used to their form of teasing and playfulness. "Yes, Sir."

Kehlani gave a laugh and slapped his upper arm. "Lighten up, Jacob. I cannot gut you like I would a Klingon who failed me. It was said in jest."

Visibly relaxing, Carlson let out a relieved breath. "Damn. I thought for sure you were going to punch me." He smiled through his nervousness.

"Not yet, Lieutenant. Carry on." With that said Kehlani left Strat. Ops., heading for the Promenade. Her crew should be finished with maintenance on Foes Bane, and they would gather in her lounge for drinks and songs. Plus, she was hungry and needed some gagh from Gre'thor's Kitchen.


Word Count: 628


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