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#10. " Progress "

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 8:48pm by Commodore Sureth
Edited on on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 3:42pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Savai
Timeline: Concurrent



A gusty warm wind blowed as the leaders of Savai met once again. It had taken many years and the arrival of Starfleet to unite them but now they were here.

Fesra, leader of the Fur and Kudos, the magistrate of the Legitamate humanoids awaited their time to go to Starbase Mercury.

Fesra and Kodos awaited the arrival of a shuttle that was to take them up to Starbase Mercury.

" This is so typical of Sureth Making us wait once again." Fesra growled.

" He is a very busy leader Fesra. " Kodos replied.

" So typical of you to defend him. No doubt being humanoid you would." Fesra added.

Kodos then turned around and replied.

" Listen my people were once slaves of another people and now we stand on the threshold of becoming one great society. And Captain Sureth has helped us get there."

As Kodos ended his reply a chirp from a communicator caught their attention.

[ Kodos this is Sureth. I apologize for nit coming sooner. A vessel of hours Is in route carrying dignitaries And upper command and that has occupied my morning's attention. I apologize but I will have to postpone our meeting until later in the day or possibly tomorrow.]

Fesra yowled and paced.

" We understand Sureth. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist." Kodos replied.

[ Is Fesra with you? I wish to explain to her as well?] Sureth asked.

" She is Captain."

[ Fesra I know that this is probably annoying you. I did consider this but I Would rather have you annoyed than not have time for you and make you feel ignored. If you wish I can have the shuttle scent anyways and have quarters set up for both of you?] Sureth replied.

Fesra said nothing as usual.

" Actually sir that would be acceptable for the both of us. It would be good to meet others others from your starfleet." Kudos rwplied as he was sure Fesra would want that.

[ Very well the shuttle will areival in a few minutes. I look forward to hosting you Sureth out.]

Fesra turned to Kodos.

" That was not necessary but since you have done this we might as well go. We are the leaders of Savai after all."

Kodos smiled as he had finally done something right for a change. Perhaps there was hope after all for Savai.


Word Count: 401


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