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#11 Klingons

Posted on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 12:23pm by Commander Kehlani
Edited on on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 3:42pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: SB Mercury
Timeline: current


After filling their bellies with copious amounts of Klingon cuisine and a barrel of bloodwine, Kehlani and her crew migrated from her Klinzha lounge over to Bliss. There they were welcomed with open arms, as it were, with Taavis herself now behind the bar and back in her civilian attire of catsuits, not sporting any Starfleet regalia, this one being dark purple (bio pic). She was behind the bar and did order her staff to put a barrel of bloodwine out for the Klingons, near their tables.

But, Taavis was not why Kehlani was here. She had spent far too much time talking to the Vulcan aboard her ship, and ignoring her crew. That was unwise. Camaraderie was everything to a Klingon. Behlana, Ch'tang, all of them deserved her attentions as their HoD. Too many Klingon ship captains tended to forget that, thinking themselves above reproach once they attained the position of HoD. As the barrel of bloodwine was brought out and set on the floor, with Ch'tang and several others cracking open the lid, there were cheers. Goblets of Klingon design were brought out and set on another table for them to grab as needed, and grab they did. Once the fifty stood around, empty cups in hand, they waited, all their eyes on HoD Kehlani. Taking up her own goblet Kehlani was the first to dip her cup full and step back. "Qapla'!" She said, raising her glass to salute her brave crew. That was the signal for the others to partake, and they pushed and shouldered each other to get a cup full, laughing and cursing each other in jest.

Around the crowd of Klingons other patrons either left, moved further away, or sat and chuckled at the antics of these civil barbarians. Most of those who remained in their seats and enjoyed the Klingon way of shore leave were Starfleet personnel, used to being around other cultures and always fascinated by them. All Klingons spoke their own tongue, using the 'common' dialect. The 'common' dialect was what Klingons used around other species, when speaking their own language, so that others could not learn the more noble dialects of Klingon Houses.

The first barrel was already half empty as each Klingon had downed their first cup and got another, Kehlani included. So, Taavis being the good hostess she was, had another barrel sent out at her own expense. After another round of drinking Kehlani began to rhythmically beat her fist on a table, a mild hammer fist blow over and over as she started to sing. Other Klingons matched her fist drumming as the whole crew began to sing together:

Qoy qeylIs puqloD.
Qoy puqbe'pu'.
yoHbogh matlhbogh je SuvwI'
Say'moHchu' may' 'Iw.
maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu'.
nI'be' yInmaj 'ach wovqu'.
batlh maHeghbej 'ej yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuv.
pa' reH maSuvtaHqu'.
mamevQo'. maSuvtaH. ma'ov.


Hear! sons of Kahless.
Hear! daughters.
The battle blood perfectly cleans
the warrior who is brave and loyal.
We fight, we're passionate, and we kill perfectly.
Our lives are not long, but they're very bright.
We certainly die honorably, and we join our fathers in the Black Fleet.
There we always really continue fighting.
We won't stop. We continue fighting. We compete.

Once the song finished there was loud cheering mixed with Klingon belly laughs, all of them slapping each other's shoulders, clapping each other on the backs, or head-butting one another. Kehlani took a few head butts and gave as good as she got, but most of her warriors slapped her on the shoulders to honor her for who she was and the leader she had proven herself to be. She was honored by their love and devotion and would give her life for each and every one of them.

Ch'tang got the rest to fill their cups, then raised his in a salute and toast. "Kehlani naDHa'!" (Kehlani the Unstoppable) He said aloud, the others lifting their mugs to match and repeating the words.

Kehlani raised her glass to them in return. "SoH batlh cho (You honor me)!"

Continuing in Klingon, Kehlani gave a laugh and drank down her wine, scooping more from the barrel. Once her cup was refilled then she started to sing another song, one meant for levity and for drinking.

'ej HumtaH 'ej DechtaH 'Iw And the blood was ankle deep.
'ej Doq SoDtaH ghoSpa' SIqral1 bIQtIq And the River Skral ran crimson red.
'e' pa' jaj law' mo' jaj puS On the day above all days.
jaj qeylIS molor mIgh HoHchu'qu' When Kahless slew evil Molor dead.

This song elicited even more laughter and howls of joy from the Klingons.

Behlana, speaking Klingon, stepped in as the crew began to settle for conversation rather than raucous singing and howling. Ch'tang was by her side. "So, what does the future hold, HoD?"

"That remains to be seen, Behlana. I will be speaking to Commodore Sureth about a permanent Klingon presence in this sector, and here on Mercury. As allies, and protectors, my heart says we will be accepted."

"Qapla'." Said Ch'tang. "Starfleet does seem to need our aid more often than not."

With an open hand Kehlani gave him a backhand upside the head. Had her fist been closed with such a blow it would have meant a battle to the death. As it were, she was making a statement, the blow being a warning. "Halt your words. They are not the warriors we are, true. But, they fight to the death, to the last, for their beliefs and way of life. The Dominion war proved that. Honor their sacrifice and honor them as allies."

Ch'tang gave a respectful bow from the neck. "I shall re-align my thinking and adjust my words, HoD. No disrespect intended."

As with the Klingon Way, as he said that, the subject was over. Dropped. Kehlani clapped her right hand down on his left shoulder, gripping his armor and shaking him slightly, smiling. "You are a great warrior, Ch'tang. Your honor is sound." With that said she let go.

"I have heard rumors of a star system out this way that the Empire has their eyes on," said Behlana. "A colony in the sector would go a long way towards cementing our presence here, Kehlani."

"Really?" That caught Kehlani's interest. "I will have to make some calls to find out more. If this is true then it will go a long way towards ridding the sector of these bloody pirates!"

Ch'tang looked curious and asked a query. "Does this mean you will leave Starfleet?"

"Yes," said Kehlani. "But, I will continue to serve them. Serve Sureth, under his command, as an envoy. As Martok did under Sisko in the Bajoran sector. If he agrees. If not, then I will serve the Empire and its interests alone."

Behlana gave a laugh. "I see glory coming our way!"

"As do I," said Kehlani, in agreement, a wicked smile forming on her face.

The Klingon crew continued their party well into the night.


(Word Count: 1,172)


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