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Posted on Sat Feb 4th, 2023 @ 12:07am by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

The end of William's shift was coming soon as he walked over to Ensign Stone “Nurse I was wondering I really need to update my civilian attire and was wondering if you would like to tag along; I could use a women's perspective” he queried thinking that most of the time he'd be dressing for her anyway.

“Sure I'd love too” she replied with a smile “Besides your wardrobe could definitely use a offense Doctor” thinking he really needs some new clothes.

Ranvek smiled “None taken....this is something that I have needed for a long time and just hadn't made the time to attend to things” he replied.

Shortly their shifts were over as they head out of Sick Bay and entered the Lift “Deck 198” came the request as he looked at Heidi “I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out.”

“It's my pleasure” Heidi answered with a definite smile “It gives me an excuse to spend some down time with you.”

Moments later they were at their destination as they walked off the lift “I think there are some mens Shoppes over this way” he commented so they turned right and proceeded to walk the Promenade.

Arriving at one of the Shoppes they entered as Ramvek looked around not being sure which way to go first. Heidi noticed his trepidation “So what exactly are you looking for” she asked.

“I'm not totally sure....maybe a few pairs of pants, some shirts, and maybe a sports coat or vest” he stated kind of grabbing at straws.

Heidi grabbed his hand and smiled “This way” as they walked over to a rack of pants “So what size do you take?”

Thinking for a moment “Let's see....probably a 34 inch waist and a 32 or 33 inch inseam” he replied as Heidi started looking through the rack.

Pulling out a pair of charcoal gray and a pair of chocolate brown” Here try these on for fit then we'll go from there” she stated handing him the pants as he turned to go to the dressing room. A few minutes later he walked out wearing the gray pants “So what do you think” he queried as he turned in a complete circle. “I think those fit great....if you were my Father.....let's get you a pair with a smaller waist” as she looked through the rack once again “Here try these, the waist is one size smaller” as she handed him the new pair. After swapping pants he came back out walking over to Heidi “Well?” “Much, much better” then she whispered “You have a nice butt so don't be afraid to show it off” she stated with a grin. She then grabbed a few more pairs the same size then asked “Ok let's get you some nice shirts to go with these.”

After going through the shirt selection Heidi picked out about six nice shirts “Here these will go with all the pants so you can mix and match to change your look” she stated “now you also wanted a sports coat and vest” as she scanned the store then taking him by the hand “Over there” as they approached yet another rack of clothes “Let's get something that will go with most everything” as she continued to look “Ah here we go, a medium brown jacket....this will do nicely” as she handed him the jacket “Not too shabby Doctor....not too shabby at all” Heidi commented with a smile loving his new look. Finally they picked out a black leather vest then made their way to pay for the new attire.

When they left the store Ramvek had thought about asking her out to dinner but with all these clothes in hand it didn't seem prudent “Thank you so much for helping you can see my 'style sense' is sorely lacking” he said with a chuckle “So would you like to come to my quarters for's the least I can way of showing my appreciation for the help.”

Heidi smiled “Yes I'd like that and for the record your 'style sense' isn't that bad and believe me I've seen worse” she answered with a chuckle.

{Deck 43 - Quarters}

When they walked in Ramvek commented “Heidi please have a seat and make yourself comfortable while I take care of these clothes” he stated.

“Wait let me help you take all the tags off and hang them up in your closet” she replied as she followed him into the bedroom.

When finished Ramvek commented “Thank you so much for your help” while still having his back to her, then turned around and almost walked into her “ “Excuse me, I'm sorry I didn't realize you we....” Before he could finish his sentence Heidi placed her hand over his mouth “You know Doctor you can't avoid my lips forever” she said in a low sexy voice. “That wasn't my inten....” he started to say when her lips cut him off from finishing his sentence. Heidi steeped back “Anyone ever tell you talk too much” as she smiled and gave him another kiss only this time he surrendered his common sense and gave her a kiss she wouldn't soon forget. A couple minutes later he backed up and smiled “We need to have some dinner” as he grabbed Heidi by the hand and made for the living area. She followed still flustered from that kiss.

“So what would you like for dinner.....a glass of wine to go with it” he queried with a smile.

“Yes a glass of wine would be nice and I'll let you surprise me with dinner” Heidi replied now that she had her senses back. Ramvek smiled and left for the Kitchen. Shortly he returned with a tray containing dinner and wine. Setting it down on the table he gave Heidi her dinner “Here you go, one dinner salad with a roll along with house dressing and a glass of Rose to go with it” he explained then sat beside her.

The two sat enjoying their dinner and talking about whatever came to mind while avoiding the subject of work. When they were finished Ramvek cleared and dispose of everything and grabbed another wine for the each of them.

As he sat he looked at Heidi “How about some music” he queried.

“Sure that would be nice” she replied then sipped her wine.

“Computer play twentieth century Earth's smooth jazz” came the request and moments later a soothing sound filled the room.

Heidi listened for a few minutes “That is really nice music” she commented then setting her empty glass on the table in front of the couch.

“I thought you might enjoy it knowing how much you like music; It was my Mother's favorite style” he replied finishing his wine and setting the glass on the table as well.

The two just sat listening to the soothing music as Heidi laid her head on his shoulder. Shortly Ramvek looked down only to see Heidi with her eyes shut being fast asleep. So he sat for the next hour enjoying the evening.

Heidi woke and sat up looking at Ramvek “I am so sorry I fell was a hard day in Sick Bay” she explained feeling a little embarrassed then paused “It's.....I feel very comfortable around you and relaxed.”

Ramvek gave a slight chuckle “Not to mention all that shopping we did” he replied “Don't worry about dozing was kind of nice just sitting together listening to music” he responded with a grin.

Heidi smiled “Yes it was. Anyway I should be going and you need your sleep since we're both are on duty tomorrow” then she paused “Say would you like to go dancing again sometime'll give you a chance to wear some of those new clothes.”

“Ya that would be great; preferably a night where I don't have to work the next day” he replied with a smile “Here let me walk you to the door.

The two went to the door as Ramvek stated “Thank you again for going clothes shopping with me.”

“Anytime” Heidi replied then leaned in and gave his a nice quick kiss then she smiled and left for he own quarters.

Ramvek closed the door and sat on the couch listening to the music for a little while longer thinking “Now that was a nice evening.”


Word Count: 1437

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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