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#19. Hidden Danger

Posted on Fri Feb 3rd, 2023 @ 2:33pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Deke Rivers & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Nova-2


David grabbed his tricorder and strapped his side arm too his thigh, even though he didn't need it he was following protocols, as he exited the quarters he'd been assigned, "Bridge this is Wallace I'm headed too the transporter room, I'll meet the away team there." If his math was close the ship should be close too catching up with the now crippled ship.

There was an audible crack followed by a violent jolt. The entire ship shook followed by several consoles exploding in a hail of sparks, debris and smoke. David found himself thrown against the bulkhead. He saw a crewman running by "What happened?"

The crewman called out "Some kind of explosion."


Deke looked to Shauna and made the call.

" I want to lead the away team . You have the con."

Shauna was just about to answer when the ship rocked sending not just herself, but Deke and the rest of the bridge crew tumbling. Luckily Shauna wasn’t badly hurt as she got up off the floor nursing a gash to her forehead. “Report!”

" Major hull breach...shields buckling...warp drive out." Lt Covenant reported.

“Get that hull breach sealed!” Shauna moved across to Deke. “Sir are you okay?”

Deke had hit the bulk head beside the lift when the ship shuddered and this had knocked him down
" Who just hit me?" Deke asked. " What happened?"

Helping Deke to his feet Shauna shook her head. “I don’t know, we’ve got a hull breach, shields are damaged, and warp drive is out.” She looked towards Covenant. “Are internal comms working? If they are I want a full report from all decks!”

Deke slid over to tactical and tried to get an exterior view to see if anyone was out there.

" We are still to far from Charlottetown. Try hailing them."

Bob turned around and added " The subspace antenna is off line. I was detecting a tachyon signature when this happened. I think it was cloaked."

=^="Wallace to bridge, there's only one working turbo-lift."=^=

Shamarra had gripped the railing to prevent herself from being thrown "Emergency forcefields are in place and holding, sensors are off line."

" Ops stabilize fields and life support. BRIDGE TO ENGINEERING I NEED A REPORT?" Deke replied as he call to Ejo.

Tag to LCDR Ejo in engineering ( it will take a day to have partial main power)

Shauna looked towards Deke. “No good on external Comms Captain, either systems are down or we don’t have the power!” She shook her head. Some rescue they were just as stuck themselves.

" Damit. Okay new plan I am going to engineering. I will take my communicator. Help Bob keeps those fields up." Deke replied.

"This is Wallace on Deck two, turbo-lift one is still in service, but main power is sketchy at best, fire suppression is on manual, we have six mains overloads, Bridge there's a safety cut off one section over from me, I'm going too investigate." David grabbed a damage control kit that was laying on the floor.

Taking the only lift that worked Deke exited the bridge. Riding it to several decks down Deke then found himself using jefferies tubes and ladders.

Along the way he found injured crew and helped guide them to areas where others could attend them.

[ Rivers to bridge. Is there any good news?]

Shamarra tapped her com-badge, she had just finished working on the science console, getting to her feet she tapped a few commands "I've got partial sensors back on line, short range only."

[ That's a start. Lieutenant Poole scan for any other vessels.] Deke replied.

Shamarra turned to the sensors "Captain I'm picking up an Intrepid Class, it's just at the edge of sensor range that's all I can pick up at this time."

[ That is at least three light years away. I am almost to engineer....] Deke replied but then his voice ended.

Bob Covenant looked over to Shamarra and to the first officer.
" Something has happened to the Captain."

"Scanning," Shamarra said as she scanned the ship, looking to Covenant and Shauna "The captain.....he's not aboard the ship. He's been beamed off. I, can't locate him as the sensors are not fully operational."

Bob slammed his fist but soon smiled when a signal appeared on his board.
" Cap's alive and on board. He ducked in a holodeck and is rerouting its lower to lower systems. "

Shauna breathed a sigh of relief, last thing she needed was for Deke to go missing.


The moment Deke entered he knew he could uses the power from the holodeck to power systems to decks below as the holo circuits had their own dedicated conduits. They would not have warp drive but at least be able to feed the auxillary systems.

Texting the bridge Deke messaged Number One.
[ Shauna got to the auxillary battle bridge. I have rerouted impulse power there from holodeck 2.] Deke texted.

Picking up Deke’s message Shauna responded that she was on her way, before looking around at Shamarra. “Lieutenant you have the bridge, I’ll be on the auxiliary battle bridge.”

" Commander perhaps we all should go there? I can maintain ops from there as well." Lt Covenant asked.

Shauna paused and nodded. “Good point Lieutenant, okay Covenant, Poole, with me.”

"I'm right behind you commander," Shamarra said.

Bob transferred everything to auxillary and followed hopeful everything held.


Word Count: 911


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