#18 Preamble
Posted on Mon Jan 30th, 2023 @ 10:35pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Griffon Resch
Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Club Bliss
Timeline: current
After his shift ended, with a steady 100 weapons caches having been seen to today, Griffon returned to his quarters, took a shower, then got dressed in his civvies. Now, his outfit was all black, with a sleeveless black shirt over top of the black garments he always wore (new bio pics). Feeling comfy, and remembering what Taavis had said, Resch decided to visit Club Bliss. Approaching the doorway/entryway, he saw a holographic sign announcing that Billi and her Orion troupe would be performing with song and dance. Nice, he thought. Nothing like checking out Orions in sexy clothing, or lack thereof in their case. Walking in he scanned the entire club with his eyes, seeing winding staircases up, as well as single person lifts, the place being three stories high. Bar to the right, shaped as a dog leg, numerous tables designed as buddy bars in the middle with aisles for the servers to navigate without much effort, even when crowded. Dead ahead, at the back of the main level he was on was a large stage, raised to two feet off the main deck, with a dais setting for drums and ascending height for the singer to be better seen. The decor was black and dark purple, which was fine by him. Too many places went with the old black and red, and it was a bit overdone around the galaxy.
Going to the bar Griffon noted the large, blonde Viking looking fellow, muscular and denoting a stance that said he knew how to handle himself despite the pleasant look on his face as he handed drinks to patrons and set more on server trays to be delivered. "Skal, my friend." Resch said as he bellied up to the bar, a grin on his face.
"Skal," said the Viking. "You're new around here, eh?"
"Guilty. Taavis said I should come check out the place and it doesn't disappoint," said Resch as he kept turning this way and that to re-up his situational awareness, and to make sure what he had seen earlier had not changed within a few minutes. "Name's Griffon Resch. If you got it I'll take a pint of brown and a shot of Jameson's."
"Got it." The bartender began to fill his order, looking up as he spooned the froth from the top of the pint. "Don't laugh. I'm sure my parents did when they named me. Name's Manfred Mann. Friends of the Bliss call me Manny. Manager and caretaker while Taavis is busy elsewhere."
Resch had no clue who Manfred Mann was, or why the name would be amusing. "Well met, Manny." They shook hands, with both of his drinks being delivered after. Moving down the bar out of the direct area for handing out drinks Resch found a stool and parked it, glad they were high-backed so he could lean back and relax. He did note a staircase built into the bar, at a corner that intersected the stage edge and the end of the bar that sprang from the wall. A matching set of steps was on the inner side, as well. Seems the bar is a stage, as well, he thought as he sipped his Guinness and let the shot sit for now.
Griffon got tapped on his left shoulder, the shoulder facing the crowd as his right side was against the bar. He looked that way as Taavis stepped into view. She was wearing and outfit similar in design to the old Earth Olympic beach volleyball teams. Small but clingy to keep everything within, with a fair amount of backside displayed and accented by a pair of solid black go-go boots with purple tassles to match the solid black beach wear/go-go outfit. "Wow, if you dressed to impress I think you pulled it off." He gave a chuckle and smile, raising his voice over the upbeat house music that had people out grooving and shaking on the dance floor.
Taavis returned the smile, sitting down and raising two fingers to Manny, some kind of signal, and he immediately filled a tumbler with light ice and poured a neon green beverage into it. He picked it up and handed it to her, with her taking it and sipping.
"Not familiar with that one," Resch said, chinning at her drink.
"Aldebaran whiskey," said Taavis, then she sipped again and set the glass on the bartop, spinning it slowly as she sat with him. "Glad you could make it. Billi and her staff from Emerald will be performing a dance routine and she'll be singing. As will I," another grin came from her as she motioned at herself and the scant outfit.
It was obvious she did not mind showing off her body, unlike other Vulcans Resch had met. He thought the catsuits were risque for them but the females seemed to enjoy them. Or, rather, found them 'agreeable'.
"I take it this is a common thing," He thumbed out towards the building crowd, with tables filling up fast.
"From the first day we opened," said Taavis, glad he was enjoying himself. It was why she built a Bliss everywhere she went, and there was a chain of them around the quadrant. Open to all because everyone had a different idea of bliss. All beings deserved perfect happiness and/or great joy, after all. "You have to like Earth music, of course," she explained, having to raise the voice a tad to be heard over the growing crowd, all of them laughing and talking excitedly, ready for a good night to forget their woes for a few hours. Taavis picked up her glass and made to hand it to him. "Try it."
Taking the offered glass Resch gave it a timid sip, tasting the citrus within it, but his tongue definitely recognized liquor. "Damn, that's good." He handed it back then downed his shot and drank a swallow of Guinness. "Might have to have a few of those."
Taavis got Manny's attention. "Drinks for Griffon are on the house, brother. All night, every night." She was being a proper hostess, but that was not her only motive. He was an Intel officer and schmoozing him could be to her benefit. Juntao, her alter ego, was always looking for allies against Section31, and people who INVICTUS might look at for recruitment. "Once the show starts I'll be behind the bar helping Manny until my set comes up. Billi and I switch back and forth, but she and her girls keep right on dancing. It's sexy, erotic and Orion, through and through. I even get in on the act while performing. I usually walk the bar during performances, being the queen bee, and all."
"I can think of worse things to look up at," said Resch, starting to really enjoy himself as he gave a laugh.
Taavis set her half empty glass near to him and stood up. "Finish that for me. Work time. Once the show starts the bodies rush the bar. If you'd like you can move to the business side, down by the mounting steps there," she pointed to the steps he had already seen. "It's my work station for the club when it's slow. You'll avoid being crushed by thirsty patrons."
"You talked me into it," Griffon said with a smile, taking up his half full pint and the whiskey tumbler Taavis had given him. She escorted him behind the bar and got him her stool for when she sat there, even more comfy and user-friendly than the others.
Taavis gave him that crooked grin again. "If you know anything about mixology, or just want to fill one part drinks for Manny, feel free. I could always use an extra hand in here now and again."
"Thanks," said Griffon. "I'll just watch, being my first time and all." He gave her a wink. "Maybe next time."
Even though he was very casual and lighthearted right now, Taavis could see that Resch's eyes belied his true nature. They were constantly looking around with more than lust, wonder, or amazement; he was in a constant update mode to his surroundings. Now she really wanted to recruit him, either for INVICTUS, or for the Star Cabal. People like him were rare, and hard to find since they blended so well with those around them. Only up close and personal had she noticed his skills. Time to Billi-fy herself, so she raised her eyebrows and tilted her head with a grin. "Kisses?"
Resch coughed into his drink slightly, then looked at her in confusion. "What?"
"Ugh, men. So slow to catch up." Taavis leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, her grin growing to a smile as she rubbed/squeezed his left shoulder in a somewhat seductive way. "Enjoy. Feel free to...watch." Turning from Griffon, Taavis sauntered away in a very telling way.
"Oh man," said Resch to himself. "I am in so much trouble." He downed the Aldebaran whiskey and then the Guinness, going over to Manny to get more.