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Post 26 - Cutting through the lies

Posted on Thu Mar 2nd, 2023 @ 1:36am by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: two hours after staff meeting


David was at his desk, he had sent a message too his sister who was at starfleet academy. It was time for answers. He had locked his door was working away on the mountains of information he'd asked for, the silence was broken by an incoming communication.

"Hey Davey what's up?" he hated that and his sister knew it

"Dad is here." cutting to the chase.

"Oh.." pausing "Did you talk, have you told him about everything?"

"There's been a crisis here and it's been difficult, let alone awkward." David said reaching for his coffee.

"Since mom died we've been on our own, Uncle Oliver keeps finding excuses too check up on me, but even I haven't been sure what to do where it comes to dad, should I reach out too him?"

David weighed the thoughts before replying "He's here with some diplomatic mission that might go off a cliff, maybe I should wait until things settle down."

"I've been on this assignment for just over 72 hours and nearly been blown up once already."

"Wait...what.." Alison said

"Dad's ship ran into engine trouble I was aboard purely because I was on duty when we got the distress signal." David said omitting details for security reasons.

"Well maybe you need to sack up and just go talk him." Alison said.

David looked at his sister "Did mom ever open up about what happened with her and him?"

"Mom said it was a safety thing, there was a lot of volatility in those days and dad was caught up in some of it, he relocated us too the colony, mom said he only ever came once, when we were babies and never came back."

David tried too process this revelation, "The old neighbor um...Craig he told me that dad and mom got into a fight and she told him to never return."

"We both know mom never told us the truth about dad, heck mom used too lock us in the house when starfleet would come and help out with infrastructure projects so maybe we need to know what there is of truth from him." his sister said.

"Okay, I'll talk with him, I blew off breakfast with him because of work, but I'll see if I can track him down." David said as he set his mug down, "I'll check in with you later on."

David ended the communication with his sister, "Computer where is Commodore Wallace."

"Commodore Wallace is currently aboard USS Charlottetown."

David stood and exited intelligence, he hoped it wasn't going too turn into a confrontation.



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