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Post # 30 Good Morning

Posted on Mon Mar 6th, 2023 @ 8:26pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Current


{Next Morning}

Doctor Williams arrived early being anxious to see how his miracle patient was doing, and relieve Nurse Stone from duty. Walking over to Stone "How's Captain Rivers doing this morning" Ramvek queried hoping for a good report.

"He's doing well and is stable; I think his body is accepting the artificial heart without any complications" Heidi reported with a big smile.

"Thank you Nurse for spending the night monitoring his progress; it's much appreciated and now you are relieved of duty....go home and get some have earned it" a very grateful Doctor stated.

"You're welcome Doctor and yes I'm quite exhausted" Ensign Stone replied "I'll leave shortly."

"Deke's being stable is the best news I've heard in awhile. Let's have a look at him" Ranvek stated as he grabbed the scanner from his pocket and went over Deke's body while watching the Monitor "Yes this looks very promising indeed."

About the same time Deke opened his eyes and looked at Williams "So how are you feeling Deke" he queried with a smile.

" I was ready to die Doc. What did you do?" Deke replied.

"Your Son contacted Dr.Haug letting him know your condition. The Doctor in turn sent me a message on how to neutralize the drugs in your body; so I was able to remove your old worn out heart and replaced it with a new artificial heart. It wasn't your time yet" Ramvek explained with a grin being very glad to see Deke awake and talking.

" Haug? Artificial? HEART? DAMN SAWBONES why did Croesus call Haug?" Deke puffed.

"Ramvek was quite surprised by his reaction "Captain calm down and don't want to put a strain on that new heart yet" he explained "I thought you'd be happy to still be alive and the Nova 2 still has her Captain to boot."

Doctor Williams thought maybe Sureth could reason with him so tapping his Comm "Commodore Sureth, Captain Rivers is awake and coherent but somewhat agitated....perhaps you could talk some sense into him."

[ On my way Doctor.]

Deke grimaced and waited. But Hiri came over and gave Deke some words as he waited. When she was done Deke lay very still.

Sureth arrived and walked over to his old friend.
" So you didn't die after all. Consider my apology null and void."

" That is BS I am a DNR amd you violated my rights."

" Not true you can only die off duty. Since you were to report to a briefing you were still on duty. " Sureth poked.

" Vulcan sarcasm. Now what? I can't Captain the Nova like this." Deke asked.
" Not your problem. You have leave coming...consider yourself on vacation." Sureth replied.

" Vacation? Like hell."

Williams interjected "Ok Captain, let me give you some clarification on your condition. First of all you are suspended from duty for two weeks.....secondly you'll be on some Meds to help you recover faster. You are to take life easy for the two strenuous activity including no sexual activity of any kind. At the end of the two weeks you are to report back here to me for a complete examination and some tests. At that time, if I feel you're back to normal, then and only then will you be able to resume your duties" Ramvek stated matter of factly then went on "The quicker you heed my instructions then the sooner you will be able to get back to your duties and as far as the DNR is concerned you were not resuscitated you merely had your heart replaced."

Deke laughed and looked up at the physician.

" Sawbones did you get your medical degree from a holodeck? You have the bedside manner of a Gorn nurse. Okay I will agree to a vacation." Deke replied.

" Good because I have a station to run and no time to hold your hand." Sureth replied.

Hearing Deke's comments Ramvek thought to himself "Holo Deck Medical Degree? indeed" he wouldn't dignify that with a response; his Vulcan side was showing through "Sometimes the Gorn have the right idea" he replied with a grin "I will check in on you from time to time and see you back here in two weeks time. Tomorrow you will be discharged, then retire to your Quarters."

" That is good . Deke we will talk in a few days." Sureth added before exiting.

Deke then looked over to Ensign Stone.
" Nurse is it time for my bed bath?"

Heidi glanced over at Ramvek then looked back to Deke "Sure, no problem....let me get some things together" she commented then walked off. Going over to Nurse Hank Thompson "Nurse I need you to give Captain Rivers a sponge bath since he's been here over a day now" Heidi ordered while thinking "Well he did ask for a sponge bath after all."

Nurse Thompson gathered his materials and walked over to the Captain's bed side "Captain Rivers I'm Nurse Thompson...ready for your sponge bath" Hank queried in a deep voice.

" Like Hell. I don't play for that team. Just forget it." Deke replied as he pulled his cover up past his chin. Tomorrow he would get the hell out of sickbay and hopefully never look back.

The Nurse just grinned as did Heidi "No problem Captain, suit yourself if you don't mind stinking; you can shower in your quarters tomorrow anyway" Hank replied as he walked off with Nurse Stone. Ramvek did manage to contain himself after hearing the conversation and just shook his head.

{Next Day}

Doctor Williams gave Captain Rivers a good once over and was pleased with what he saw "Ok Deke you're free to go to your quarters but remember the instructions I gave you yesterday" as he gave Deke his Meds" I will see you in two weeks time and will contact you later today to see how you're doing" Williams stated with a smile.

" Doc you have the makings of a class 1 ass but you are a great Doctor. Thanks for the warning about the call and for saving my life. Doc Haug has been working on that adrenal aid stuff for years but it wasn't working. Maybe someday I will find the right portal back to my real reality and things will be better."

Williams snickered at Deke's remarks "Thank you...I think....take care of yourself and I hope you find your 'peace' when all of this is over" he commented hoping the best for Deke.



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