Post# 31 Field Promotion
Posted on Tue Mar 7th, 2023 @ 8:47am by Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Shauna Callaghan
Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Stardate: 77261.5
< SB-M-69>
It was not the best of times but it was a busy time for the base and Commodore Sureth. His flag ships Captain had jusy suffered a major heart attack an impending war gleamed on the horizon.
" Sureth to Commander Taavis and Lieutenant Commander Callahan. I need to see you too imminently in my office." Sureth said tapping his com badge.
“On my way Sir” Shauna responded as she tapped her comm badge. She was wondering what was coming their way this time.
Upon hearing the summons on her badge, Taavis responded. "On my way, Commodore." Tapping her badge off, Taavis changed her path on the Promenade and went to the closest lift.
Arriving at Sureth’s office Shauna stepped inside. “Reporting as requested Commodore.”
Taavis arrived at the office, went through the foyer upon being waved through by the assistant, and came inside the office proper. ""Commodore, I am here as requested. Commander," she said, giving Callaghan a nod of greeting.
Sureth looked up from his screen and also nodded.
" Be seated please. Captain Deke Rivers underwent surgery for a replacement heart following a heart attack. It will be weeks or months before he can return to duty. I am therfore
inclined to do the following. COMMANDER TAAVIS I want to promote you to commanding officer of the Nova 2. Lt Commander Callaghan you will remain XO of the station. Is this acceptable to the two of you?" Sureth replied.
Keeping her Vulcan calm, Taavis heard what was being offered. As a Vulcan she found the offer most agreeable. As a Romulan she found it to be outstanding. "I find it acceptable, Commodore. I know this will relieve me as your base XO, and as the Security Chief. But, it is a step in my career I cannot ignore. I accept the position change, Sir."
Shauna was surprised by this move, but with Deke being ill she wanted to be close by. “I’m willing to accept the change of position Sir.”
" Very well then , ATTENTION TO ORDERS. COMMANDER Taavis for exemplary service accept this promotion to Captain of USS Nova Two. LIEUTENANT COMMANDER SHAUNA CALLAHAN for exemplary service please accept promotion to COMMANDER and EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF STARBASE M-69 SIGNED COMMODORE SURETH this stardate.
“I am honoured Commodore, thank you so much.” Shauna smiled warmly, then looked towards Taavis. “Congratulations to you too Captain.”
Taavis gave a respectful nod. "Thank you, Commodore. I am honored by your trust in me." Looking over at Shauna Taavis gave her a slight grin. "And, to you, Commander. Congratulations."
" There is more. We are leaving this sector in a few days per Star Fleet. The treaty with the planet was not able yo be signed.Our new mission is to impede a possible Essary invasion of Sagitarrius. Engineering is working overtime to refit the Nova 2." Sureth added.
Giving a few moments of consideration to that, Taavis then spoke. "The Nova will be needed to move this station. As Captain it will be my priority to get the ship ready for that task. From the maintenance reports I've read as XO of 69, the hull and internal machinery have all been repaired. The refit will take more time but we can skip the redundancy checks and do those in flight to get the ship out of drydock, at least."
" Several positions will be considered and Nova 2 and the Charlottetown will be used to pull the starbase to that choice." Sureth added.
Taavis got to her feet, giving a nod to Sureth. "It seems I will be busy for the next few days, Commodore. I should get to it so you can prepare to move our mobile home to a more permanent location. If there is nothing further, Sureth, I would like to get started. Plus, I need to make sure all XO programs are ready to accept Commander Callaghan. Without me relinquishing them then she will be stuck." She gave a nod to Shauna before looking back to Sureth. "My last act will be assigning Lieutenant Billi as the new Security Chief for 69. If you disagree with that choice I ask that she be transferred to Nova as my FC chief."
“I have no problems with that Captain” Shauna looked towards Sureth. “If that’s alright with you Commodore?”
" Please arrange that as well . I am sorry for the short notice of these reassignments. I clearly owe you both a round at a future time. Dismissed." Sureth replied.
Taavis thanked them both and departed the Commodore's office. She would have to send Billi a message that she would be the FC Chief aboard the Nova. As for Resch, well, the Nova would need a Tactical Chief. As an infiltration specialist he knew the ins and outs of Security protocols and was the perfect choice. It seemed that the Nova was a boon for several careers.