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#32 Foundation

Posted on Tue Mar 7th, 2023 @ 8:35pm by Commander Kehlani

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: various
Timeline: current


While awaiting the readiness of the USS Nova, Kehlani sat on her Bridge going over readiness reports for her own vessel, the IKS Foes Bane. The Kor-class Bird of Prey was as ready as always, and her crew performed above and beyond.

"HoD, incoming priority hail from House Grilka. The Matriarch wishes to speak with you."

"In my Ready Room," ordered Kehlani as she got to her feet and left the Bridge. Entering her private command chamber she sat down and opened the channel, seeing before her on screen the first female to ever have a House under her control. And, even named after her. "Matriarch, it is an honor. What can I do for you, Lady Grilka?"

"Set course for Qo'noS immediately," stated Grilka. "Upon arrival you are to beam to the Great hall and meet with Chancellor Jokar and the High Council, myself included. Grilka, out."

The screen went dark. Not one to disobey her Matriarch, Kehlani got to her feet and went back out to the Bridge. "Helm, prepare for maximum sustainable warp. Set course for coordinates in grid 09, quad 68, block 27, sector 70."

The entire Bridge crew went silent and looked her way, except for helm, who did their duty inputting the coordinates. They all knew those coordinates well.

Behlana looked to her CO. "Qo'noS?"

"Yes," answered Kehlani as Helm stated that the coordinates were set. "Move us to a safe warp out point. Once achieved, engage. Do not wait for my order." Foes Bane began to move away from 69 and the Nova. "I have been summoned to speak with the High Council. Expedience is always necessary when the Chancellor demands an audience."

The Bridge crew gave chuckles, knowing that all too well. Foes Bane reached the outer markers for 69 and then jumped to warp, headed for the home world.


HoD Kehlani materialized in the large, expansive courtyard outside of the Great Hall. Beaming within would have gotten her either killed or severely wounded since no one was allowed to just beam into the massive building and complex. But, even as she solidified there were two of the Imperial guard waiting, aside from the two stationed at the door at all times. The two of them got in on each side of her, saying nothing, and as she moved forward towards the massive double doors, they were in step. They knew who she was and had obviously been waiting for her arrival, no matter how long that may have taken.

Walking within the Great Hall, seeing the long red carpet leading from the entry to the dais for the Chancellor, Kehlani did not break stride, her gait both casual and purposeful. She could see the High Council standing in a half circle around the Chancellor's seat, all the Patriarchs for the most powerful Houses in the Empire, and one Matriarch, who's own House had gained both prestige and power over the last decade. Arriving within the half circle, coming to stand before the High Seat, Kehlani gave a nodding bow from the neck as she hooked her thumbs in her belt to stand proud in front of the High Council. "Chancellor Jokar, HoD Kehlani of House Grilka, and commanding officer of the IKS Foes bane, comes before you as instructed. What do you want (nuq neH)?"

For several long moments Jokar looked her up and down, as if sizing her up. The baton he held he kept tapping against a thigh as it lay over his lap. "HoD Kehlani, your exploits are well recorded within these very walls. Your service to the Empire is exemplary. So much so that your exploits have given rise to an unofficial title of 'Unstoppable'. Every member of your crew, when new steel was claimed, chose to serve with you once more, and that speaks volumes for a warrior of the Empire. Matriarch Grilka has come before us with a request, one I am inclined to fulfill. After a short deliberation by those Houses around you, we agreed that the request be handled." Jokar looked to Grilka and gave her a nod of approval.

Grilka took a step out from the rest, addressing her House member directly. "Lieutenant Commander Kehlani, HoD Kehlani, as you have noticed there are many within my House who call you Lady Kehlani. Your status and battle prowess are unquestioned. You have spilled blood for your people, your House, and your Empire and garnered the title of Unstoppable. Not only the blood of enemies, but your own, to defend our beliefs and culture with your very life. A life that will live on in Sto-Vo-Kor, I have no doubts. With that said, I offer you your own House, as a vassal House under House Grilka, to be seen, heard, and honored by this High Council, the Chancellor, and the Empire entire. Know that any dishonor brought on your House will reflect on House Grilka, and such actions will be dealt with as harshly as possible by my House, and this body. Do you accept the founding of House Kehlani at this time, or do you wish to pass and revisit the discussion at another time?"

Kehlani's heart soared. Her blood ran hot and her mind was focused like a laser. Her own House! Only a fool would disregard such an offer, or pass it by. "I accept, Matriarch Grilka!" Kay dropped to one knee and looked up into the eyes of her advocate. "House Kehlani will swear to uphold the honor it has been given, to follow the teachings of Kahless to the letter, and to defend our people and culture against all enemies both foreign and domestic." She rose to her feet again after swearing her oaths to her people.

"Then it is done," said Chancellor Jokar, getting to his feet as he set his baton aside. Stepping down to the floor he then came in and gave Kehlani a warrior's handshake before gripping each of her shoulders with a firm hold. "House Kehlani is now recognized as a House of the Empire, with all rights and duties thereof. HoD Kehlani, you are now Matriarch of your House." He released her shoulders and the shoulder claps and handshakes were given by all the Council members present. There was laughter and good vibes as bottles of bloodwine were brought in and the Klingons swigged from them and passed them around. "Lady Kehlani," Jokar said, between his own swigs. "As a House you can claim lands for your seat of power. Have you any designs on lands here on Qo'noS?"

"No, Chancellor," stated Kehlani. A bottle came her way, which she swigged from and passed along, continuing. "There are several star systems of note in the sector where Starbase M-69 is placed. As an ally, and an envoy, I will look to see if any of those worlds have what we desire for a home." She then gave a grin. "Once I have members, of course." Several chuckles went around the group. A new House meant she would need to begin gathering Klingons to herself and her House, both military and civilian.

"A grand idea," said Jokar. "Provided the Federation will allow it in their space. However, it also provides us with the means for a forward outpost should the Federation need our assistance during war. A Klingon colony worthy of shore leave, resupply, and a place to repair those ships damaged in battle."

"We think alike, Chancellor," said Kehlani, with a grin. "My history is no secret. I grew up on Earth for many of my younger years, learning to accept their ways and actually falling in love with human diversity. It is a gift they have. Being that close also provides me the means to continue my duties as the station's Strategic Operations Chief, even as an officer in the KDF. This means that House Kehlani can provide the Empire with strategic data on the sector so when ships do pass through there will be no surprises. However, that position will not be used to spy on Starfleet or the Federation. I leave such dishonorable acts to the likes of Romulans and Cardassians."

Jokar gave a belly laugh, slapping a hand down on her shoulder. "I would never ask that of you. The fact that you serve the Empire, and they trust you enough to serve them too, is a testament to the very honor you speak of. I give you permission to send advocates of your House to the Academy, to glean bekks from the graduates who may wish to serve a newer House. Those who would like to carve out their own destiny by building something. Your House is already added to the lists of possible destinations, by rights."

"You honor me, Jokar. You have my gratitude."

His hand came away from her shoulder, with him spinning slowly to look at all the faces surrounding them. "The Council and I have matters to discuss. Your House is secure and founded. Qapla', Lady Kehlani!"

Kehlani gave the fist over heart salute. "Qapla'!" Knowing that Grilka would be busy with Imperial matters of court, Kehlani spun on her heel and left the Great Hall. Once outside she noticed that the air smelled sweeter, the stars shined brighter, and her heart beat hotter than ever before. She raised her bracer and tapped the comm glyph. "Behlana! Beam me up!" She shimmered out of sight on planet, and then materialized on the Bridge, standing just behind her command chair.

Behlana waited until her CO had arrived fully, then handed over a larger duty PADD. "You need to have a look at this, HoD. It is urgent."

Kehlani noted that everyone else on the Bridge had stopped what they were doing, all looking at her as if waiting. As she flipped the PADD around to begin reading the doors to the Bridge opened and even more of her crew stood in the doorway, came slightly onto her Bridge, and some remaining out in the corridor. She would read first, she thought, before getting angry and shouting orders. As her eyes perused the message they got a bit wider, and then looked up at everyone. "This is official?"

"Every mark and signature, yes, HoD," answered Behlana. "A steward of House Grilka came aboard while you were with the Chancellor, and that," she chinned to the PADD. "Is the consensus."

"Our crest will be that of House Grilka, but ours will have crossed Mek'leths over the front to show the difference. Ch'tang, I see your name here. Would you do the honor of creating said House badges and handing them out?"

"Of course, HoD."

Her entire crew, 53 Klingons, were now members of House Kehlani, wanting to serve the CO they had served with for years. Grilka had released them to her service, with no dishonor attached since House Kehlani was a vassal, and was in need of building its strength as quickly as possible. "Helm, return to Starbase M-69, maximum sustainable warp. We shall aid them in moving the base and defending it while doing so. The rest of you, stations!"

The crowd broke and they all went back to their duties, with Ch'tang calling in a second so that he could fulfill the request of his Matriarch. Kehlani, of course, would receive the first badge created.



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