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#33 The New Arrival/Welcome Aboard

Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 1:06pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: various
Timeline: current


Lieutenant JG Ainkara stepped off the runabout that had delivered her to M-69. She wore the Starfleet form-fitting bodysuit style uniform (i.e. Troi/Crusher in films) with the blue of Sciences. Her one bag, a duffel, was over her left shoulder with a carry strap. She looked around the expansive docking bay, her eyes locating the various exit doors to the station proper, and after deciding on one, moved towards it. Stepping into the corridor she noted that it was designed to herd everyone exiting this bay towards a choke point or bottleneck, and there at that point was a Security check point. Reaching into the right thigh pocket on her uniform leggings Ainkara brought forth her palm PADD, tapping the screen a few times to get to what she wanted. She waited patiently in line as those before her were checked in and cleared.

When it was her turn Ainkara stepped up and handed her PADD over. "My transfer orders."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," said the Security officer who took the device and began to cross check the data. "Nice. It says you are assigned to the USS Nova. Last I heard she is almost ready for launch."

"That is good to know," said Ainkara, giving a grin in return for the one he was giving her. It seems M-69 won't be so menial after all, she thought. "What's the best way to get to the Nova?"

The man gave a grin and chuckle, his companion doing the same. "Well, from here, that's kinda hard to explain." He looked at his companion.

The female Security officer gave a grin, taking the PADD from her companion's hand and tapping on it. "There," she said, handing it to Ainkara. "Directions to get to the drydock onloading."

"Thank you, both." Ainkara had taken the PADD back, and after a pleasant nod to them, went through the chute to allow her onto M-69 proper. To say this base was massive would have been an understatement. Looking to her PADD, seeing the blue dots showing her where to go, Ainkara began her trek across the base to get to her new assignment.

As a Voran, found by happenstance on a deserted Iconian colony world during a Federation archaeology expedition, Ainkara was the only one of her kind. At least, as far as she or anyone else knew. Upon awakening from her stasis pod, Ainkara had been mentally out of it, her mind like that of a child when first awakened. It had taken two years to get back to 'normal', and then after that, another two years of education to get caught up on Federation technology. Her eidetic memory had aided greatly in that, along with her biosynthetic Iconian brain implants. But, the biggest reason for the slow acclimation, done purposefully by the Federation government, was to make sure she was not dangerous to society.

The Voran, her people, had been a slave race to the Iconians, trained as both warriors and servants. During her hundreds of years within the stasis pod, her mind constantly besieged by Iconian mind control, Ainkara's subconscious had lay dormant, hidden away and kept safe by her own will. As she had been questioned and interviewed by the Federation and Starfleet, the person known as Ainkara had slowly come forth. A being of logic, love, peace, and understanding. Her knowledge of Iconian technology and culture was a boon and she had helped to clear the haze on many theories regarding the enigmatic species. After a few more years of becoming herself again Ainkara had asked to join Starfleet, to enter the Starfleet Academy to become an officer and a scientist. She had waited six months for their decision, finally getting their blessing to become Starfleet.

During her tenure as a cadet at the Academy she performed brilliantly, graduating towards the top of her class. Also, she had made many friends, a few of whom were Vulcan. After lengthy discussions with them she came to the conclusion that the Voran were cousins to, maybe even another offshoot of, the Vulcans. However, Voran do not hide their emotions, but they do believe in controlling oneself so as not to be overcome by anger, grief, or any other debilitating emotional outburst. An old Voran saying was; Control oneself, you control your world. And, Ainkara had taken that saying to heart.

As these thoughts passed through her mind, her subconscious driving her body before she knew it, Ainkara arrived at the gangway for the Nova. Once more she approached a Security check point, waited patiently, and then was given leave to board the ship. Stepping through the airlock she came up short as she was met by a woman wearing the same style of uniform as herself, but this one had the red of Command Division, and the pips of a captain.

"Greetings, Lieutenant. I am Captain Taavis, commanding officer of the Nova."

"Well met, Captain. I am Lieutenant Ainkara, assigned as Science Chief aboard this vessel."

"That you are," said Taavis, giving a slight grin. "Welcome aboard, Ainkara. Come, I'll walk with you to your quarters. Get to know you better in the process."

Ainkara gave a nod and got in step with her CO, the two of them moving along casually. "To say my assignment was sudden would be understated. But, the opportunity is agreeable and I rise to the challenge."

Taavis was glancing over as they walked and talked. "Not to breach a subject you may not wish to discuss, but your people are called Voran?"

"Correct, Captain." Ainkara looked over. "We are Vulcanoid. It has yet to be determined if we are offshoots or we are just a similar species. It is something I continue to research in my spare time. Along with anything Iconian, of course." They stepped into a lift and ascended to deck 2, their car arriving in the portside shaft. They stepped out and Taavis motioned to follow her along as they proceeded forth in the portside corridor, moving forward.

"Iconians? I read something in your file about all that. You were in stasis for several centuries, correct?" Taavis stopped before a set of double doors, the entrance to a cabin, waving Ainkara to step forward.

Following the invitation, Ainkara stepped into the sensor for her cabin and it opened, revealing her quarters. They were Starfleet bland but with a bit of time she would soon fill it with her own decoration. She placed her bag on the small dining table for two, which could also double as a desk. However, she kept talking while moving around. "Yes, Captain. I was a slave to the Iconians, as were all Voran. There were no other pods found alongside mine, when there had been hundreds when I was put to sleep. So, as far as I know, I am the only remaining member of the Voran species."

"That is unfortunate, and you have my sympathies," Taavis responded. "As you can see I am Vulcan, but I am also half Romulan. I am a follower of Jarok, and that means that I recognize my emotions and readily accept them, learning to control them, not suppress them. As of now I am very emotional, letting them out freely. But, with the control I have learned through my Vulcan disciplines."

Ainkara found it surprising that a commanding officer would be so forthcoming about her own emotional content. "The command officers I have met usually don't offer such information readily. Is this a warning of certain possibilities?"

"Not at all," said Taavis, giving another grin. "I believe in honesty and truth between myself and my crew. It is essential. But, I'll let you settle in and get your quarters in order. If you need me I'll be on the Bridge. Until later, Lieutenant." Taavis gave a nod of farewell and left the cabin.

Taking a moment to reflect on all that, Ainkara then turned and began to unpack her bag. This was now her home, for however long it would last.



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