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#34 - unplanned company

Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 11:31pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Promenade Level 2
Timeline: Early morning


David was walking along the second level of the promenade decks, several of the businesses weren't open, one storefront was vacant. He'd taken a rare moment to explore the station, the next few days looked to be busy and David wasn't really in the mood for another alert, or even dealing with his father. Despite their earlier conversation plus another talk with his sister over subspace he decided that after this what ever it was called situation he'd attempt to try and work on that once non existent relationship. He thought he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, he paused too look at a storefront full of various antiquities hoping the person would walk by or identify themselves.

Isabelle was taking a walk along the promenade when she noticed that she’d inadvertently caught the attention of one of the station’s newer arrivals. Approaching him she offered a smile. “My apologies Lieutenant I didn’t intend to make you feel like you were being followed. I’m Isabelle Veran-Dallas, Station Counsellor.”

David turned, "David Wallace, Intelligence."

“It’s nice to meet you David. I saw you at the mission briefing before the rescue, but this is the first chance I’ve actually had to meet you properly.”

David had too paused, "With the Commodore being here, and the Nova being damaged the way it was I haven't exactly made an effort too meet with any of the other senior staff let alone have a moment to think."

“Of course” Isabelle nodded. “A lot has happened in a short space of time. Would you like to sit down and take stock?”

David motioned over to a pair of benches across from where they were standing, "I was just taking a break from everything, I guess I'm also a little on edge from everything."

Isabelle nodded as she headed towards the benches, she took a seat and waited for David to sit as well. “I can understand that. If you want to talk about it, off record of course...” she left the offer open.

David took a seat, "I've been here barely four days and things have been chaotic, I haven't really had time to do much of anything except run and now I have a man who is and isn't my father here."

“Okay” Isabelle gave David a curious look. “In what way is this man not your father?”

"Outside of one holoimage that my mom had I didn't know much of anything about him, my mother took my sister and I and relocated too the Corsica colony where we grew up, I didn't know anything about him until about four years ago and in the span of four days here he is and he wants to try to have a relationship now."

Isabelle nodded. “That must be very difficult. Are you wanting to get to know your father, or aren’t you interested?”

"It's one of those things, that I've mulled over the last few hours and I think it is possible, I know my sister is eager so I think it's possible to have one." David said

“Okay, that’s good” Isabelle smiled warmly. “If you would like any help, or you’d like me to be there when you talk to your father then just let me know. Anything said would be strictly confidential so you wouldn’t have to worry.

David sat back slightly "I'll probably reach out to him again before his ship departs, I know if I don't I might not get another chance for a while."

“Sounds like a good idea to me” Isabelle nodded in agreement. “I’m lucky I have my father here, Commodore Sureth if you didn’t already know.”

David shifted "I knew, he had family aboard but I didn't make the connection." David was interrupted

"Ops to Lieutenant Wallace." the voice said.

"Wallace here."

"I apologize sir but one of the probes along the Essary boarder has picked up a ship cataloged as Echo-Sierra-zero-zero-three."

"I'll be right there." David said standing up "Looks like I have to go."

“A code Sierra-zero-zero-three?” Isabelle gave David a curious look as she stood up ready to head onnher way.

David paused, "Its a code for a ship that we know of but don't have a name for or in some cases a class, it's not a panic, just some posturing or a patrol that might be up to nothing."

Isabelle nodded. “In that case I’ll let you get back to work. It’s been a pleasure.”

"You too." David said as he stood to head for a nearby turbolift.



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