#35 A Bird Set Free
Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 10:08pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara" & Lieutenant Griffon Resch
Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Nova
Timeline: current
Taavis was in her chair on the Bridge, her eyes going over the PADD of reports. Engineering had been stellar in their performance, getting the Nova buttoned up and all damaged systems in that section repaired and the EPS power flow was back to nominal. She sent a quick missive to Ejo praising her department for a job well done. Redundancy checks and system simulations could be had while Nova was free and clear, since moving 69 was the next big step and she did not plan on going anywhere until that effort was complete. She heard the Bridge doors hiss open and looked over, seeing Ainkara. Putting her PADD in its holder she got to her feet.
"Everyone," Taavis said, getting their attention, all eyes going her way as she got in next to the newest member. "This is Lieutenant Ainkara, our Science Chief. I sent for one and didn't expect any results for at least another week, but we got her early." She looked over at the Voran. "Ainkara?"
"Greetings, everyone. A pleasure to meet you all."
Taavis gave a grin and motioned towards the SCI station. "Carry on, Lieutenant." As Ainkara went to her post Taavis went over to stand beside the helm station. "You ready, Miss Billi?"
"Always, Captain. But, I'm afraid to ask; ready for what?"
"To get this bird out of the cage," said Taavis, raising a hand and doing a circular motion towards the ceiling, meaning the drydock.
"Oh, well, yeah," answered Billi with a smile.
"Good." Taavis turned back and mounted the dais for her chair, standing in front of it. "Miss Ainkara, systems check, please. Alert engineering that we will be leaving dock. Mister Resch," Taavis looked over at him. "Inform M-69 that we need a clear lane to launch from drydock, and to make sure all traffic is clear."
"Aye, Sir."
Taavis sat back down, her back straight but still leaning back in it, crossing her legs at the thigh.
From over her right shoulder Ainkara spoke up. "Engineering reports all systems optimal for launch from drydock, with a warning that redundencies have yet to be completed."
"Tell them we understand, and to prepare for launch." Ordered Taavis. "Redundancy can be accomplished anytime."
The orders were relayed even as Ainkara tapped keys to get all sensors online and active.
Billi had the thrusters ready for action and awaited the commands to release the ship from its leash, tying in with Covenant for power allocation.
Resch, for his part, communicated back and forth with 69, and also watched the lateral sensor arrays. "Sixty-nine has the road ahead cleared, and are diverting incoming vessels to another route."
"Thank you, Griffon," said Taavis. Her eyes were on the stars ahead through the window, patiently waiting for the moment they could begin to slide passed the drydock superstructure framing the outside of the viewport.
Ainkara spun her chair halfway to look back at Taavis. "Engineering reports ready, Captain. Thrusters and impulse are available."
"Music to my ears," remarked Taavis. "Billi, release the umbilical and detach the gangway. Deactivate the external inertial dampener and hold Nova at station keeping."
Her hands were dancing across her console as Billi followed orders, with all hinderances to Nova now disconnected and away from the hull. "At station keeping, Captain. Thrusters available at your command."
Resch spoke. "Sixty-nine says we are free to launch when ready, Captain."
Taavis uncrossed her legs and placed both her feet flat on the floor. "Lieutenant Billi, thrusters ahead, full."
"Aye, Captain." Billi manipulated the pilot controls and soon enough the ship began to move, the dock superstructure sliding back out of view. After a minute had passed, everyone focused on their own thing, Billi gave the announcement. "Free and clear to navigate, Captain."
"Excellent," Taavis responded. "Mister Resch, send a text and voice message to all crew over on 69. Inform them that the off-duty leave is not canceled, but that when they choose to return that they will need to beam back since Nova is no longer docked."
"Yes, Sir." Griffon turned to his station and began to the task.
"Well," said Taavis as she got to her feet. "Here we are. Billi, let's go to impulse. Start with one-quarter."
"You got it, Captain." Billi had a grin on her face as she prompted the impulse drive, readying it for active use. "Heading, Sir?" She spun her chair to look back, the glint in her eyes showing she was ready for this moment.
"Lieutenant Billi, you may indulge yourself. But, remain within transporter range of 69." Taavis ordered.
"Not a problem, Captain." Billi faced forward and went to work, the ship instantly jumping to one-quarter impulse when prompted.
Taavis watched through the forward viewport, seeing various ships and communication satellites go whipping passed. "Point us in a safe direction, Billi. Full impulse."
"Aye, Sir." The stars out the window suddenly all spun to the left as Nova made a starboard turn and then accelerated to full impulse.
"Hold course for ten minutes, then turn and head back. Once we get back within the outer markers, drop to one-quarter impulse, then set standard orbit around the base." Taavis ordered, receiving acknowledgement. "Mister Resch, you have the Conn. I'll be in my quarters." She got up and left the Bridge as Resch came in and took the chair.