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#36. Getting to know you better

Posted on Mon Mar 13th, 2023 @ 10:37pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Lounge

Lunchtime couldn’t have come soon enough for Isabelle, sitting in her office doing psych evaluations, and listening to other people’s problems whilst feeling well and truly off colour hadn’t been much fun. It seemed she reached the point in her pregnancy where morning sickness was rearing it’s ugly head. Now she sat relaxing in the lounge, sipping a ginger tea, and having a light lunch, which she hoped would help to settle her stomach.

Since things were well in hand in Sick Bay Dr. Williams decided to go to the Lounge have some lunch. Walking in he grabbed his food and drink; looking for a place to sit Ramvek saw the Counselor sitting at a table by herself. He made his way over and said in a friendly voice "Good afternoon Isabelle, mind if I join you for lunch."

Isabelle offered a smile and motioned to the seats. “Please do Doctor.” She picked up a ginger biscuit and politely ate it. “I don’t suppose you can suggest a good natural remedy for morning sickness?”

Ramvek sat then thought for a moment "Actually your on the correct path, maybe make the tea stronger and add some ground up gobo root to your diet" he suggested "Although you may want to add the root to the tea since it does have quite an unpleasant taste....that should at least help with the sickness." Waiting for a reply he began to take in a mouthful of food and eat.

“Thank you, I’ll do that” Isabelle smiled warmly. Having finished her biscuit she slowly tucked into her salad, it was just a light meal incase her stomach decided to object. “So how are things in the land of medical? I don’t know about you but there are days when it feels like I have to chase everyone for their appointments.”

Ramvek chuckled lightly "Well things are going quite well in Medical. It seems the majority of my Patients are either emergency visits or just plain walk ins so I really don't have the issue you're experiencing" he commented "So other than the morning sickness, how is being pregnant going for you" as he took a sip of his beverage.

“Considering I only had my son 4 months ago, and that wasn’t a normal birth I’m surprised things are going as well as they are.” Isabelle smiled. “Having my son practically ripped from my body, I was expecting to find out I wouldn’t be able to have children again, at least not anytime soon. This is a miracle, well and truly a miracle!”

"That it is Isabelle....but a word of medical advice" Ramvek stated then lowered his voice "After this birth you should give your body a year or more to recover....that is if you plan on making your family bigger."

Isabelle nodded. “To be honest..” she lowered her voice as well. “This baby wasn’t planned, not that I, or John are unhappy about it.”

Ramvek had to grin "Yes mother nature does have a way of making life interesting, to say the least and it's nice to hear John and you are happy about becoming parents once again."

Isabelle smiled warmly. “Thank you, enough about me tell me more about you Ramvek.”

After taking another sip of his beverage "Well let me see....I will start with my name" he replied then went on "I was born and raised on Vulcan, my Father is T'Vek and he serves on the Vulcan High Council. My Mother is from Earth, her name is Ramona Williams so I guess you could say my given name is a contraction of sorts....hence Ramvek to honor both my parents. Since my physical features do not appear to be Vulcan my Mother highly suggested that I take her last name when I joined Star Fleet; she felt I would have an easier time of it by not flaunting my Vulcan side" the Doctor concluded with a grin.

Isabelle grinned. “You’re definitely not the a-typical Vulcan, not that there’s anything wrong with that. We’re both in the same boat when it comes to mixed Vulcan heritage, but I have these..” She tucked her hair behind her pointed ears, “That, and I’m green blooded just like my father.”

"At least you have hair to cover your ears when needed" Ramvek answered with a grin "I was fortunate to inherit my Mother's physical appearance but I do have my Fathers strength and most of his Vulcan mind.....the best part is I'm not affected by the Pon-far.....that in itself is a positive."

“That’s true” Isabelle nodded. “I still have to put up with that inconvenience, but it doesn’t affect me as strongly as it would a full blood Vulcan. Now I’m married it solves the problem, John will be there for me when it’s time.”

"That certainly is one way around the issue" Ramvek said with a light chuckle "Since I've been a Doctor for twenty years Star Fleet asked me to take on a Star Base assignment which is a welcome change from all those years on a Star Ship."

“The main thing about being on a station is that you’re not permanently flying around space.” Isabelle smiled. “You’re in a more... settled place.”

"That and it is like living in a city with the Promenade Decks. Between the bars, clubs, eateries, and shops one can always find something to do on their down time" he stated "I think that is what I like best about being on a Base....oh ya and you don't have to worry about getting blown to bits either."

“Very true!” Isabelle smiled. “It’s a good environment to raise a family, compared to being on a starship. So what do you like to do when you’re off duty? I spend a lot of time in the holosuites, I love that you can be anywhere you want to be.”

Ramvek thought this is a loaded question "Most of the time when I'm done with my shift I just like to stay in my quarters read and relax; especially after all the hustle and bustle of Sick Bay" he stated then went on "Although every once in awhile I get talked into going to a Club dancing for an evening."

Isabelle nodded. “My evenings consist of going home and looking after my son, not that I mind. He’s the light of my life, alongside my husband.”

"Family is everything....I firmly believe in that concept; unfortunately with my profession it seems I have not found the time to explore that area of my life...which I am fine with" Ramvek replied not being altogether truthful.

Isabelle gave Ramvek a curious look. “Now that’s not entirely true, that much I can sense. Don’t let your personnel life go on hold simply because of your career. You never know who you might find one of these days.”

The Doctor let out a sigh "You are right of course" then a long pause "I guess it is sometimes easier to bury oneself in one's work than working on a relationship or even looking for one, for that matter" he confessed knowing Isabelle was right deep down inside.

“You don’t have to go hunting for it, it’ll happen when it happens.” Isabelle smiled warmly. “Just let yourself be open to it.”

"Isabelle, you make it sound so easy" Ramvek replied "I may be a decent Doctor but I am afraid not so much when it comes to the matters of the 'heart'."

“Well if you need any advice you know where to find me” Isabelle smiled warmly. “I’m always happy to help a friend.”

"Thank you, that's very kind of you" he answered with a grin "You know what they say 'Doctors do make the worst patients'."

“Doctors and Therapists!” Isabelle grinned a wry grin. “I’m not the most patient of patients, as you’ll find out when I eventually have my baby!”

"Let me tell you, you wouldn't be the first woman patient to get a shall I put this....testy during birth" Ramvek replied with a chuckle "But I am sure you will do just fine with my Medical team by your side."

“Of that I have more confidence” Isabelle smiled. “I never got to have the birth I wanted before, but at least this time I will. I’ll be making a birth plan nearer the time. Do we have many pregnant women on the station right now?”

"Crew wise no, but there is a woman, whose husband owns one of the Shops, who is due to deliver any day now" Ramvek replied "I told her to come directly to Main Sick Bay to have her baby where she can get the best care possible."

Isabelle nodded. “Any problems let me know, I’ll talk to her. We mother’s need to stick together.”

"Thank you I am sure she would appreciate that" he replied then realizing the time "Isabelle I should get back to Sick Bay. Thank you for a nice lunch partner and the interesting conversation."

“Of course” Isabelle nodded. “It’s been nice talking to you Ramvek.”

"And you as well" he replied with a smile "Have a pleasant rest of your day." The Doctor disposed of his tray then started back towards Sick Bay.


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