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Post # 37 " Heartless Bastard "

Posted on Tue Mar 14th, 2023 @ 5:50pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Starbase M-69 sickbay
Timeline: Concurrent


< Sickbay >

Deke rested from his surgery and waited for what was next or who was next. Being a proud southerner he despised platitudes.

Entering Sickbay Shauna made her way across to Deke, carrying a little gift of a fresh supply of the brand of tea Deke seemed to like. “Captain... Deke” she smiled warmly. “How are you?”

Deke raised up in bed at the arrival of his first officer as he wasn’t expecting anyone besides Sureth to come see him.

" Commander are you sick too? I had a bout with something but ole Sawbones pulled me through." Deke replied.

Shauna smiled. “I’m not sick Sir, I came to see you. From what I heard you almost died.”

Sighing Deke answered " I did die but Williams pulled me through. Violated my DNR rights to do it but tadaaa here I am witha bionic heart to boot. I have a rare temporal anemia blood disease. Come to find out I am not from this universe and when I found out I had to have blood boosters. Those boosters killed my heart."

Shauna looked shocked and surprised. “Wow! That must have come as quite a shock on all counts.” She paused. “I didn’t know that you... died.” She gave him a concerned look. “If you had I’d never have gotten to tell you that I... well that...” she paused. “That I care for you.”

" Wow Commander I didn't know you cared " Deke joked. He then sat up on the side of the bed. " Why don't you get me out of here?"

Shauna looked around. “Given I’m now First Officer of this station it wouldn’t be good my being seen taking you out of here unless...” she looked around seeing Hiri. “Excuse me Lieutenant, is the Captain allowed to leave Sickbay for a short time?”

" He is free to go out. " replied the Lieutenant.

" First Officer of the station. Did Taavis finally lose her cool and cuss Sureth out?”

“No” Shauna shook her head as she motioned for Deke to take a walk with her. “actually she’s been promoted to Captain, and given command of the Nova 2.”

Deke stood up and walked over to the sickbay doors.
" That Heartless Bastard Sureth. Never once told me he was taking my command."

“I’m sorry I didn’t know you hadn’t been told” Shauna sighed. “I think Sureth wanted to give you some time to recover.”

" You can leave me to be his first officer but don't make excuses for him. He will say " it's logical to fill the slot or some crap like that but really it's because he doesn't want to be caught unprepared...that is why he made Commodore because he is a company man." Deke replied. " I could go for a steak and a beer, let's go eat."

Shauna nodded. “That sounds good to me. You know when I said I care, I meant it.”

Deke grabbed Shauna's hand and exited sickbay.. Walking around the corridor to the turbo lift.
" I have a new bionic heart you know? Your place or mine?" he teased.

Shauna smiled. “If you hadn’t just this second got out of Sickbay I’d seriously take you up on that, so be careful what you wish for.... you might just get it.”

Deke's lip curled up a bit at Shauna's teasing.

Shauna smiled warmly. “To be honest I’m glad I’m here onboard station with you, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation now. I’d like to spend more time with you, if you’d like that of course?”

" Now that I am no longer your Commanding Officer who could object? " Deke replied as he kissed Shauna's hand.

Shauna smiled the twinkle in her eyes seemed to light up more than ever before. “How’s about we go back to my quarters? I’ll treat you a freshly cooked dinner that you’ll never forget!”

Deke chuckled and nodded.

" Lead the way Shauna but be gentle with me." Deke replied.

“Have I ever been otherwise Sir?” Shauna grinned.

Deke then leaned in and kissed Shauna. When he stopped he then said.

" Don't call me Sir."

Shauna was taken by surprise but she returned the kiss with one of her own. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that Deke.”

" Me too. On Earth we have a little song we sing to our babies. Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are? Up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky. That song is why I joined Star fleet. Why did you join?" Deke replied

“I was one of those kids who used to stand outside and look up at the sky, marvelling at the beauty of the stars.” Shauna smiled. “Now here I am exploring them.”

" Tomorrow I get to discharge out of sickbay I was going to go to Starbase 400 but I might wait around." Deke replied.

Shauna nodded. “So what would happen to us? I’m just getting to know you, and dare I say... fall in love with you... would I even see you again if you left here?”

Deke then again got angry at being relieved without cause.

" If I don't leave somebody might get hurt. A pointed ear hob goblin named Sureth."

Shauna nodded. “Have you spoken to him? He may have a very good reason for not assigning you back to the Nova 2. You were very ill Deke.”

" Vulcans work together to accomplish a goal. Taavis and Sureth are probably lovers. You know what I am too worked up to eat. Let's go do something."

“Sure” Shauna smiled. “What would you like to do?”

" Let's go fly a fighter.



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