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#38 - The Storm is rising

Posted on Tue Mar 14th, 2023 @ 10:26pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Commodore Sureth

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Meeting Room
Timeline: Current

===Mission log: Supplementary===

The Negotiations with the Essary at the various venues has reached a dangerous impasse, all diplomatic efforts are being ended. I'm meeting with the Starbase command staff prior too my departure to discuss the situation and the changes that need to be made prior too my departure.

===End Entry===


David was just short of a full run as he made his way from the wrong side of the deck too the briefing room, he'd been getting messages of increasing problems with the Essary too the point that negotiations had broken down on multiple fronts. David slowed to a fast walk as he approached the briefing room doors which slid open to reveal only the Commodore's. David was puzzled, "I guess I'm the first one here, what's the situation Commodore's?"

Commodore Wallace spoke first "Negotiations have more or less broken down and I'm sure you've seen the increasing military activity with the Essary Militia, I've been speaking with Commodore Sureth about his ambitious plan which I'm going to support and push hard with the area command." Jarred motioned too his son "Judging by your heavy breathing something has already started?"

David collected his thoughts "There was an increase in patrol activity by the Essay, and coded military communications are almost non stop."

Sureth listened and then asked.
" Starbase M-69 will assist in any way necessary Lieutenant. Is the Charlottetown still able to assist us in moving this station closer to nebula?"

"Unfortunately no is the short answer." Commodore Wallace replied "The long one is an engineering ship and two tugs would be better for this, the Charlottetown is underpowered for something of that magnitude, plus my chief engineer thinks it would be wise for us too get back to the ship yard and have it stripped down and rebuilt before we can deploy again."

Waiting for that too sink in Jarred continued "I could put a request through the Office of Strategic Management to get an engineering task group here inside of maybe ten hours, in all honesty one Curiosity class engineering ship is better equipped than anything here."

David unconsciously spoke "Task group Trinity, Commanded by Captain Maria Blumenberg."

" I can get a second ship if necessary. R and D has also been working on an advanced warp tug that we could deploy ," Sureth replied.

David paused looked at both senior officers, "Actually Task group Trinity has two Scavenger class tugs which are more than capable of moving the base, they're essentially tractor beams with a warp drive."

Jarred looked at his son then Sureth "Your mission aboard the Watergate?"

David just nodded.

" We need them here yesterday Lieutenant. The Nova 2 is launching again and working out any refit kinks. I would prefer Captain Taavis be our escort rather than our tow." Commodore Sureth expressed.

"Captain Blumenberg owes me, I think she can be persuaded to be here in four hours." David said

" Then by all means collect. Number One we will have to begin a relocation of personnel. Non essential beings will have to be off loaded to freighters willing to ferry them to our new location. Star fleet will pay a couriers fee to any ships willing to be a taxi." Sureth replied.

Jarred looked to Sureth, "The Charlottetown can delay it's departure until the move is finished, every ship will be needed."

"I'll get in contact with Captain Blumenberg right away, is there anything else?" looking to Sureth.

" No Lieutenant. " Sureth replied. " Commodore Wallace we have a detachment of Marines on station. Major Mattox reports his marines stand ready to serve."

The older Wallace looked at the station commander, "We can use them to help with the medical evacuations and any of the heavy lifting that might be needed for the engineers, if it's fine with you Sureth," Jarred inadvertently slipped into some of the informalities common in intelligence, "I'd like David too coordinate between the engineering ships and the starbase, I'm going to start calling in favors' to get us an additional ship or two."

Sureth did not react to Commodore Wallace response about the Marines. Knowing Major Mattox he would want a mors tactical role.

" I will have a medical staff meeting also. Dr Williams and his staff will be very busy." Sureth replied.

Jarred stood up, "This is the first time since the Dominion war I've been involved in moving a starbase, only this will be the first time I'm not aboard a ship being shot at." he said with a chuckle.

"I've got to get ahold of Captain Blumenberg before they're out of range so I'll do my thing." David said standing as well.

" Dismissed Lieutenant." Sureth replied. When the Lieutenant had left Sureth then added.

" Your son is a very dedicated officer Commodore. I look forward to having him serve aboard M-69."

"He reminds me of his mother on that front." Jarred looked out a viewport "It's been great finally being able to speak too him, and to get to know him, I just hope he doesn't make the same mistakes I've made."

" Fatherly advice, let him Commodore. He has to be who he is to become, good or bad. Just always be there for him." Sureth replied.



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