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#39 - Calling in a favor

Posted on Tue Mar 14th, 2023 @ 10:27pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Lt Wallace's office
Timeline: Current - Afternoon


David waited until he was alone in the office, the opened up a private channel. A moment later Maria Blumenberg was on the screen, "David is this a social call, or can it be?" she giggled.

David felt his face flush "Unfortunately this is business, feel like moving a Starbase?"

"Your joking right?" she giggled "I thought you wanted us to do something difficult like our fun on Hellguard." She giggled followed by "Your at M-69 right?"

David finally relaxed "Yeah, let's not go there." trying not to think about that night.

"We're about five hours away, I assume your CO has a plan and a final destination for this little operation, I'll let the commanders of the two scavenger tugs know we're changing plans, I'll bring a few other toys and a bottle of whiskey for when it's over." Maria said with a smile.

"Hey, can we keep what happened in the cave on Hellguard between us, for now, The Commodore is here." David said frankly

"Oh...That's probably a good idea, and not a good way too make an impression." Maria said with a serious tone "How the hell did he end up out there?"

"He was part of a group that was going to negotiate with the Essary, his command had major engine trouble and they after a few other things ended up here when we got word the negotiations broke down, now there's a sudden need to relocate the base." David said lifting a coffee.

"Things really went off the rails? wow." Maria commented, "Is your old man's ship going to be in the area?"

"I think so, we have enough ships in the area to take on the majority of the population plus we're redirecting ships away from the move I believe." David said taking another sip of coffee.

"Where's the move?" Maria said trying too stick to business and not think about those days they were stranded on Hellguard.

"The Blue lagoon nebula." David said factually.

"That'll take us about ten-ish hours from where you are right now, less if we can get the structural stuff done with support from the stations' engineering teams." Maria reported.

"I'll let them know you'll be in contact." David paused he wanted to say something else but stopped himself.

"I'll see you in a few hours then." Maria said

===Hellguard, three years ago===

The away mission had already gone from bad to worse, they had been on the run for hours. Dodging and exchanging phaser fire with well armed natives, winding up in a rocky area on the desert planet where they both were hiding in a cave. David sat on the ground the dim orangey glow of the low fire was there only heat as the desert went from scalding hot too bitter cold. David looked up at Maria, they were on a what supposed to be a simple mission turned disasterious.

"I think they went back too their settlement, if we can get too higher ground we can get in contact with the Watergate and get the hell out of here." David finally said.

"That storm hasn't even hit us and it's already raising hell with communications."

David looked at Maria "This wasn't how I thought it would go today."

"Getting separated from the rest of the away team, fire fight to save of skins, on the run, Just another day in Star Fleet." Maria said pulling out a rations packet from her pants pocket. "I've heard stories of this planet being lawless, but to experience it is another thing."

David paused, he made a gesture as realized someone was approaching, he ducked down grabbing Maria. The noise of gravel shifting, they stopped briefly then resumed again. David barely moved for another few minutes as he waited for he figure to leave. Maria laid there still as well, when the felt they were safe again. David sat up he was breathing heavy, he looked over at Maria, "That was a little too close."

The next morning David awoke to Maria laying next too him, he chose not too move for a moment, she stirred a moment later "Moring." she said with some effort.

"The storm past finally, we should make a move too get a signal out." David said

"In a moment, I know it's utterly wrong but this is nice." Maria said pulling the broken hair tie out of her dirty hair as she stood, David caught himself staring.

The howl of shuttlecraft engines outside of the cave changed the conversation, "looks like we might be able too get a ride after all, lets go!" She said grabbing David's hand as they both ran for the cave entrance. As they stood at the mouth of the cave they saw the a federation shuttlecraft fly by then circle back, Maria led David too the clearing where the shuttle was landing, when the high pitched howl of phaser rifles firing started again, David started to run faster, he grabbed Maria by the arm almost dragging her to the waiting shuttle, as they got to the shuttle he shoved her through the door and returned fire causing one of the cliff faces to explode in a hail of rock and dust.

David quickly jumped through the door, "Go! Go! go!" he yelled followed by the shuttle jerking up and back into flight, David sat there on the floor, his uniform covered in mud, he looked up at Captain Blumenberg who was equally dirty who was sitting on a bench and smiling at him "Good job Lieutenant."



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