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Post # 40 - Fresh Start

Posted on Thu Mar 16th, 2023 @ 4:02pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Earth
Timeline: Concurrent



Captain Jamie O'Connell, being recently promoted from Commander, sat comfortably aboard the Shuttle Genesis in route to the ASDB Integration Section, Space Dock 1, Earth to take Command of a recently refitted Saber Class Starship; USS Peel, Registry NCC-71015. The Peel was long overdue for a Refit which was supposed to happen every four years; this particular refit was performed at five years due to an unexpected long mission.

With nothing but time on his hands, for the next few hours, Jamie's mind strolled through his career in Star Fleet. After his Academy days Jamie had spent the next fourteen years in Engineering working his way up to Chief. A few years later he was promoted to Executive Officer and gained Command experience, along with being in Command multiple times, during many different situations.

After all those years of service on different Ships, Star Fleet finally offered Jamie his own Command. Admiral Snow had contacted him some weeks ago asking if he would be interested and of course Jamie jumped at the chance and accepted what he had been wanting for quite some time. Jamie's Ship and Crew would be attached to Star Base M-69 in the Sagittarius A system, near Savi, which already has a Nova Class ship in the Base's service.

Star Fleet had made the decision to add another Ship since the Star Base was due to move to the Lagoon Nebula in the same system sometime in the near future where there was growing unrest. M-69 would sit at the edge of a difficult frontier.

While all this retrospect was going through O'Connells mind, he was snapped back to reality when he heard the pilot call out “We'll be within transporter range of Space Dock One in a few minutes.” “Thank you Lieutenant” Jamie replied not believing how fast the last few hours had just passed; now things were about to get real.

A very short time later he heard the Pilot say “We're within range Captain, after you leave I'll beam your belongings directly to your Quarters.”

Captain O'Connell rose from his seat and stepped onto the Transporter Pad “Thank you that'll be fine and thanks for the ride....energize” and moments later the Captain was off the Shuttle.


Once Jamie materialized in Space Dock One he looked around noticing all the hustle and bustle. Walking over to the desk Jamie announced himself ”Excuse me Ensign, I'm Captain Jamie O'Connell here to take command of the USS Peel” he stated with a smile.

The Ensign looked up and smiled back “Captain the Dock Master has been expecting you” she replied then called him to come to the desk. Moments later a Commander walked out of his office and over to Jamie offering his hand “Captain O'Connell you timing is excellent, we just completed the refit yesterday and have cleaned up the Ship. A team of Engineers are making any final adjustments as we speak Sir.”

Jamie shook the Commander's hand “That's great news, so when can I go aboard” he queried.

“There's no time like the present” the Commander commented “Here I'll take you aboard personally.” Jamie nodded and the two Officers were off to see the USS Peel.

Several minutes later they arrived at the Port entrance when Jamie noticed Security at the end of the corridor so he reached into his duffel and grabbed his PADD with the new orders on it and presented it to Security “Hello, I'm Captain Jamie O'Connell the new CO for the Ship.”

Security took the offered PADD and looked it over “Everything seems to be in order Captain and I'll log you into the Ship's system.....there all set, here's another PADD with your security code, quarters assignment and the Peel is scheduled to be turned over to you tomorrow Sir.”

“Thank you Lieutenant” as he turned to the Commander “Lead the way” he said so the two Officers made their way onto the Peel and walked into a nearby Turbo Lift “ Deck 1” the Commander called out then looking at Jamie “This Ship is as you would expect with the Bridge on Deck 1.”

When they arrived at their destination O'Connell stepped off the Lift and looked around.....he couldn't believe his eyes.

The Bridge was dark brown in color with grey flooring and indirect lighting throughout making the LCARS Screens easy to read. The View Screen dominated the front with multi purpose consoles on either side. There are Science Stations to Port and Tactical Stations to Starboard. Aft of Science was the Lift and aft of Tactical was the C.O.'s Ready Room with an Engineering Console to the right of that. Center Bridge was one Command Chair with Helm and Operations in front of Command in a slightly sunken area. All in all the Bridge was a thing of beauty as Jamie tried out the Chair noticing small consoles on each armrest.

The Commander stood and watched as the new Captain marveled at his new Command “Looks like you're right at home here Captain” he commented with a grin.

O'Connell turned and smiled “Am I that obvious” he asked with a big grin.

“Like a kid in a candy shoppe” he replied “But it suits you....I'll be taking my leave now and your Crew should be arriving all during the day. I'll have my Security at the Port entrance so you can go ahead and get settled and explore your new home” the Commander said “ I'll be back tomorrow at zero eight hundred to turn the Ship's Command over to you, then you can depart at your convenience.”

“Thank you Commander for your time and attention....I'll be on the Bridge when you return tomorrow. Have a good rest of your day” Jamie replied with sincerity in his voice. The Commander nodded then left the Ship. Jamie walked to his quarters and sort of settled in then toured the other nine decks of the Ship, spending a little more time in Engineering and admiring the new Tech, with his PADD in hand.

{Zero Eight Hundred Next Day}

Now that the Crew was aboard all that was left was for the Commander to return and officially turn command over to O'Connell. Jamie greeted his Senior Staff as they entered the Bridge “Welcome to the USS Peel, I look forward to getting to know each of you and look forward to working together” he stated as he heard “Aye Captain” from each Officer with smiles prevailing.

As promised the Commander arrived on the Bridge at exactly zero eight hundred and walked over to Jamie “Good Morning Captain" then he continued "Computer transfer Command to Captain O'Connell, Jamie, Riley this time forward with all the Command Codes and Departments at his disposal....authorization Commander Stevens, George, Ryan code Tango seven Zulu.” “Command transferred as per your request this time forward” the Computer answered. Looking at Jamie “Captain good luck to you and your Crew. May I be dismissed Sir.” “Thank you are dismissed” Jamie answered with a smile as the bridge crew gave a round of applause.

After the Commander exited the Ship, the Crew all went right to their Stations checking all the necessary Consoles for departure as O'Connell sat in his new Chair. Tapping the Comm “Engineering this is Captain O'Connell, are we ready for departure” he queried.

“Yes Captain, all systems are green across the board” Engineering responded. Then tapping the Comm again “Attention this is Captain O'Connell, welcome Crew to the USS Peel. We will be getting underway soon and will be on our way to Star Base M-69, Captain out.”

Tapping his Comm once again “Space Dock One, this is Captain O'Connell of the USS Peel requesting permission to depart.” “Permission granted travels” came the reply.

“Helm sever umbilicals, release docking clamps, one quarter impulse until we clear traffic. Once cleared set a heading for Star Base M-69, best speed” came the orders.

“Aye Captain as you command.” Helm replied being busy carrying out the Captain's orders.

Several minutes later “Traffic cleared, heading plotted in....warp factor seven Sir.”

“Thank you Helm....hit it” Jamie ordered as the Peel smoothly went to Warp Seven. Shortly Jamie would conduct a brief Senior Staff meeting while starting towards their destination.


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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