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Post # 41 - Brief Briefing

Posted on Fri Mar 17th, 2023 @ 4:22pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant Kalva Ren & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Edited on on Fri Mar 24th, 2023 @ 3:22pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 1}

Now that they were underway O'Connell figured it would be a good time for a brief meeting. Standing he addressed the Bridge "Excuse me, would all Senior Staff please meet me in the Briefing Room for a meeting" he ordered "Ops you have the Conn."

Once in the Briefing Room Jamie tapped his Comm "Lieutenants Aloran and Ren please report to the Briefing Room" he ordered hoping they were able to attend not knowing their workload at the moment.

Soon all the Senior Staff who were on the Bridge filed in and grabbed a seat. "If you would like something to drink please feel free to use the replicator" he commented with a smile. Now he would wait a few minutes for the rest of the Senior Staff to arrive.

Once most everyone was present Jamie started "Again welcome aboard. The one thing you'll learn about me is that I hate long drawn out meetings so mine will be short and concise as much as possible. You will notice the Ship's different areas are much more compact than other ships. Think of it as Star Fleet taking a Luna Class ship and squeezing it into a Saber Class body. Although things are much more compact they are also multifunctional. I hope you all find your Quarters acceptable even thought they are smaller; I know mine is quite cozy despite the size. We have a Crew Compliment of sixty Officers and Crew. Each one of you were hand picked by Admiral Snow not only for your fine work but also for your multi department experience" he stated then took a sip of coffee.

"Since we are a small Crew I expect for us to become close knit as time goes on. Please get to know your Staff both on duty and socially; a drink in the Lounge can go a long way in developing teamwork which is paramount with a Crew this size. I would like to go around the table and each of you state your name and departments you're trained to work in.....I'll start.

"Captain Jamie O'Connell, I worked in Engineering for a number of years and worked my way up to Chief. I have also been trained as a Security/Tactical Chief and have been Executive Officer for some years.

"Hello I'm Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe and have a background in different Sciences besides being the Captain's Number One. Also I'm proficient in a half dozen different forms of Martial Arts" Angel concluded with a smile.

"Lieutenant Maria SanChez here; I have a background in both Security and Tactical" she stated feeling a little under qualified after hearing what the others had to say.

"Hey people, I'm Lieutenant JG Johan Albo and have experience in most of the major Sciences. I also have experience in Operations as well" Johan commented with a smile while admiring all the lovely ladies in the room.

Sarissa smiled as she looked around those at the table. “I’m Sarissa Aloran, Chief Counsellor and Assistant Chief Medical Officer. I’m also an ex-b which is plain enough to see” she held up the hand that had the web of Borg implants on it, before putting it down again.

The meeting was already well underway and some in the briefing room had noticed the empty chair that belonged to their new Chief Engineer. No one had yet meet the enigma, but rumors had been spreading about him as he was part of an officer exchange with a recently discovered coreward race said to be in active conflict with the Borg.

A few of the officers look towards the door to the briefing room as it wooshes open, the sharp intake of breath from some of those pairs of eyes causes the rest to turn as they hear the clank of a tritanium foot hit the deck followed by the rest of the nearly 6 foot frame of the anthropomorphic feline stepping into the room. There is a pause as the cybernetic eye tracks each of the officers sitting at the table giving the impression that they are all being targeted. The long shaggy gray fur and the obviously cybernetic left arm and leg seem to be at odds with the Star Fleet uniform that seems to not quite fit the new arrival.

The eye, settling finally on the empty chair, doesn't blink as the newcomer steps to the chair the combination of a mild 'clank' and soft padding of alternate footsteps a strange combination considering the fluidity of his movements. Taking a seat he says "My apologies for my tardiness First of many" looking at the Captain. Seeming to think for a moment he adds "Captain".

Having come in at the end of the introductions but having heard the tail end of the last he assumes that introductions were being made and continues "I am Kalva Ren, First of Technologists of the Mek-Purr Republic" allowing that oh so disconcerting eye to flow over everyone at the table again "I am here to learn of the Federation in hopes of peaceful exchange in our collective future, I am to be this ships Technologist, ummm, Engineer".

"Thank you all for your introductions. Now just a couple more things then you can get back to your duties. We should be arriving at Star Base M-69 in a few days so take the opportunity to check in with Lieutenant Aloran for the usual boarding physicals and evaluations. When we arrive, depending on any orders, I will meet with Commodore Sureth briefly so please hold your Stations until I see what's going on" the Captain concluded then had one more thing "Also as time permits I will be meting with each one of you individually so I can get to know you a little better. Does anyone have any questions at this time." Jamie scanned the room and no one spoke up; but Jamie couldn't help noticing the most unusual Engineering Officer.

"One last door is always open to anyone on this Crew, regardless of rank, so please let your Staff know that. Thank you and you are dismissed" Jamie stated as his Senior Officers went back to their respective areas to resume their duties.


Senior Officers
USS Peel


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