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Post # 42 - Meeting An Angel

Posted on Fri Mar 17th, 2023 @ 6:17pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 1}

The Captain was in his Ready Room going over the last of the Refit reports which he read carefully, signed off on, and forwarded the to Star Fleet. This had been a very busy first day between leaving Space Dock One, having his first Senior Staff meeting, and going over a multitude of reports. Jamie did have some time left so he decided to meet with his XO to get started on his Senior Staff meetings.

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe please report to the Captain's Ready Room" he ordered then grabbed a water.

Tapping her Comm "On my way Captain" Angel said "Ops you have the Conn." Then she stood and walked towards the Ready Room. The door was open so Angel knocked on the door and waited.

Jamie stood out of respect "Please Number One, come in and have a seat and make yourself comfortable....would you like something to drink" Jamie stated with a smile.

Devroe walked in with a smile and sat in the offered seat "No thank you Captain, I'm good. You wanted to see me" she asked returning the smile.

Jamie sat as well "Since you and I will be working closely together, and there's no other Crew around, please call me Jamie" he commented trying to put his XO at ease.

"Thank you Jamie and you can call me Angel" she commented feeling a little more at ease.

"I see in your file you are from does that mean you can read people" Jamie queried.

"Yes I can but I usually block that part of my gifts...that's something my Mother taught me to do. Having everyone's thoughts, fears, and desires can become a bit overwhelming in short order" Angel explained then continued "That is not to say I can read people if it's absolutely necessary."

" Good to know. As Captain I have use every resource available to me but I won't ask unless I have to" Jamie explained "In the Staff meeting you stated that you are proficient in a half dozen forms of Martial proficient are you."

Angel smiled "I am a Master in all six forms of Martial Arts; I have been training since i was a young girl" she commented "And I am also knowledgeable in many forms of the Sciences."

"Sounds like I hit the jackpot when they made you my First Officer" he replied with a grin "I would like you to keep an eye on the Science Department since it would be mostly supervisory, if you're up to it."

"Absolutely Jamie and since there is only one Command chair I assumed I would be at a Science Station anyway when we're both on the Bridge" Angel replied with a smile.

"That was one of the things I noticed the first time I stepped onto the Bridge....only one Command I would like you at the aft end of the Science Station so you're to my immediate right, that way we can confer if need be."

Angel gave a light chuckle "We must already think alike, that was where I thought I should be anyway" she replied then became more serious "Just so you know what to expect from me...I have no problem speaking up If I think you're putting yourself in harms way or if I disagree with an order. My job is to keep the Ship, Crew, and especially her Captain safe at all times."

"I would expect nothing less from you Angel I only ask that you use caution correcting the Captain in front of the rest of the Crew" Jamie replied.

"I will do my best to keep that in mind Sir" she responded showing a little more respect for the position.

There was a few moments of quiet when Angel broke the silence "If I may ask, just for my own knowledge, is this your first Ship as the Commanding Officer" she queried with a smile "Not that makes any difference.

"Yes this is my first Command but like I stated in the Meeting, as XO I had quite a few opportunities to be in Command and a couple of those times in battle and obviously was successful" Jamie answered matter of factly.

"Captain I assure you I meant no disrespect....I just wanted to know for my own reference" Angel replied hoping she hadn't just pissed off her C.O.

Jamie grinned "I know you meant no disrespect or otherwise we'd be having quite a different conversation right now. If anyone aboard has a right to know the Captain's past experience it's certainly his Number One."

Angel let out a mental sigh of relief "It's nice to have a Captain who seems down to earth and knows the seriousness of the position. Someone like that I will follow anywhere without reservation."

Jamie was a little taken back by her honesty "Well it's nice to know you don't mince any words and get right to the heart of the matter. I think we're going to make an excellent team you and I" he replied being very sincere.

"So do I Captain and am looking forward to serving with you" Angel replied just as sincere "Is there anything else Sir."

"No I think I'm good unless you have anything to add" Jamie answered with a smile "If not you are dismissed."

"I'm good as well" she stated then rose from her seat, gave Jamie a nod and turned to go back to her duties.


Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Executive Officer
USS Peel

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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