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#43 All is Well Aboard the Nazgul

Posted on Fri Mar 17th, 2023 @ 4:02pm by Taavis {SF Capt. Ret.} {UFP Intel Agent} & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara" & Lieutenant Griffon Resch "Nazgul"
Edited on on Fri Mar 17th, 2023 @ 5:33pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Midway
Timeline: current



It has been several days since the USS Nazgul left drydock. The ship's systems are now aligned, with all redundancy checks having been taken care of, with green across the board. I will be sending Commodore Sureth a request for an efficiency ribbon for the entire crew, a ribbon to be worn on the dress uniform to show how oustanding they have been in getting this boat back in working order. With M-69 readying for the move to the lagoon we are staying in the area to provide external security, with traffic still coming and going despite the move having been announced to the freighters who are our regulars. If one seems suspicious we will chock it up to a health and safety inspection and go over and have a look.

Once we get the behemoth moved to her new nest, Nazgul will then begin to collect and reassert all comm and sensor beacons, surrounding the base. Also, the outer marker beacons will need to be moved and re-placed around M-69. Without those sensor nets and comm boosters Sixty-Nine would be a few days behind on getting comm chatter from the Federation and SFHQ. But, all in good time. For now, we await the call to play point on moving the starbase.


Being in her Ready Room, Taavis angled her face upwards towards the ceiling. "Computer, insert stardate and time into the recording, then log."

The computer acknowledged as Taavis got to her feet and did a few isometrics to loosen her body from sitting for so long going over reports and finishing her log. Walking out to the Bridge, she was to helm's left. "Good morning, everyone," she announced, before she focused the next piece on her FC Chief as she went to stand before her chair. "Is the lounge good for parties, Billi?"

Billi gave a chuckle, half turning her chair to look back at her CO. "It's nice, for sure, but my party was in my quarters last night." She gave a wink and a wicked grin.

"Does this party have a name?" Asked Taavis, giving her own crooked grin

"He does," said Billi, turning back to face forward, thus ending any inclination of kiss and tell.

Taavis took the cue and moved on herself. "Mister Resch, anything go missing last night?"

"Not that I've been informed of, Captain." Griffon had a pleasant expression on his face. "But, the day is young and it is a dog eat dog world out there and I am wearing Milkbone underwear."

Billi cackled at that, Taavis grinned, but Ainkara quirked an eyebrows and looked over at the Tactical Chief for Nazgul.

"Milkbone underwear? What is a Milkbone?" Ainkara asked.

Everyone on the Bridge either snickered or gave a light giggle, with Taavis giving a big smile. "It's a treat used for canine pets. On Earth such pets are called dogs."

Resch kept smiling as he looked at the Voran woman. "Sorry for laughing, Ainkara. It was not aimed AT you. Just struck me all of a sudden with such an innocent query."

Ainkara's expression returned to normal, her own levity appearing in her eyes. "I see. It is apparent that while around you lot I will need to read more about pets and their dietary needs." It was said deadpan, but the humor in her eyes was not lost on everyone else. She was taking her own embarrassment and turning it into her own joke.

Griffon laughed again. "There ya go. An eye for an eye. Good to see you have a sense of humor."

"Laughter was a great relief in-between Iconian training and torture," Ainkara explained. "One has to laugh regularly to offset the mental anguish of a life in servitude. Just don't let the Iconians catch you laughing because, to them, laughing means you are slacking in your work."

"They don't know what they're missing," stated Resch, grinning at her despite what she had said. To let her know that those days were behind her and this was home now.

Taavis gave a nod to her two officers. "Being half Romulan, I too found that laughter can be good medicine. Combined with my Vulcan discipline and logic I have found a balance that works for me. When I get angry, however, the Romulan half likes to be let loose." Having said that she then sat down in her chair and took up the command PADD from its slot. What she dare not say was who she was beneath all this dedication to duty. Juntao, head of The Cabal, and a member of Invictus. As of now, having been corresponding with her comrades in both, her twin sister Taavin was currently in position as Juntao. Being exact twins, there were only a few who could even tell them apart. So, all was going according to plan.

The crew went back to their duties, the small talk cropping up from time to time as they saw to their individual responsibilities.



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