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Post # 44 - It's A Security Thing

Posted on Sat Mar 18th, 2023 @ 2:50pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Edited on on Sat Mar 18th, 2023 @ 3:07pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 1}

After arriving on the Bridge for the second day, the Captain made sure everything was running smoothly before going to his Ready Room for some more Senior Staff meetings. Grabbing a coffee from the Replicator Jamie tapped his Comm "Lieutenant Maria SanChez please report to the Captain's Ready Room" came the order.

{Deck 5}

Hearing the summons Maria tapped her Comm "I'll be there in a few minutes Sir" then she hauled ass up to Deck 1.

{Deck 1}

As SanChez approached the Ready Room Jamie looked up "Lieutenant SanChez please come in and have a seat" the Captain stated "Would you like something to drink?"

Maria walked in and grabbed the offered seat "No thank you Sir, I'm fine. So you wanted to see me Captain" she queried wondering how she could have screwed up so soon.

Jamie grinned "Relax Ms. SanChez you're not in any trouble, I wanted to take this opportunity to get to know you better" he explained as Jamie could see her relax somewhat.

A relieved Maria let out a sigh "That's good to know what would you like to know" she queried.

"I see by your file that you are equally trained in both Security and Tactical. Now what about your people, are they trained the same" Jamie queried.

"Yes Captain, all my Staff are trained in both areas....although I wished I had more Security people to draw upon should the need ever arise" she answered with a smile.

"Well Lieutenant this is your lucky day. Shortly before we left Space Dock a squad of eight Star Fleet Marines came aboard. They were hand picked by Admiral Snow and are willing to work hand in hand with Security. They are all completely trained in Security so they should be an asset not only to your Department but to the Peel as a whole" Jamie explained.

A very relieved SanChez smiled "Captain that is great news.....that should help considerably" she replied.

Jamie gave a light chuckle "I thought you might be pleased at hearing the news. The Squad leader is Captain John Hunt so please take the time to go introduce yourself and come to an understanding. The Ship's Yeoman will be scheduling marines and security together for shifts" he explained with a smile.

"Yes Sir, I'll have a chance this afternoon to go and talk to the Captain and I'm sure we'll see eye to eye and get along just fine" Maria replied hoping she was correct in her assumptions.

"I have no doubt in my mind Lieutenant.....and just so you know the rank of Captain in the Marines is the same as yours....that of Lieutenant" Jamie explained "If you have any problems either let myself or Lt.CMDR. Devroe know and we'll mediate....however I doubt that will be an issue."

"Thank you Captain, but I don't foresee any problems in that regard" she replied with confidence.

"Good. Now as far as Tactical goes, since there are only six of you in your Department, you'll be flip flopping three of you a day to cover the three Shifts" O'Connell explained then paused before continuing "I have never done this but if you would prefer to run two twelve hour shifts instead I will allow it. However if we're in a red alert situation for any length of time I would strongly suggest you go back to the three shifts just to keep Tactical fresh and sharp."

Maria thought for a moment "Let me think it over and talk to my people then I'll let you know what I decide" she replied "Although with the added bodies provided by the SFMC that really may not be necessary."

"Good point Lieutenant but I thought I would give you that option and your Staff will need a day off to rest and unwind also" he pointed out.

"That's true Captain, but like said I will let you know. Let me meet with the Marine C.O. and get his thought as well since they will be part of the Security team" Maria replied.

O'Connell was quite impressed "That is very fine judgement on your part and an excellent course of action as well" he stated with a smile " Do you have any questions for me?"

Maria smiled "Thank you Captain for your confidence in me; I promise I won't disappoint and no I don't have any questions at this time Sir."

Jamie stood and extended his hand "Lieutenant Maria SanChez I look forward to working with you in the coming days and months. If nothing else you are dismissed" he stated with sincerity.

SanChez stood and shook the Captain's hand "The feeling is mutual Sir" she replied, gave a nod then turned to resume her duties.


Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Peel
NCC- 71015

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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